Chinese food

→ Chinese food

picture - Chinese foodIt is believed that the world's first cookbook was already known in China about one and a half thousand years ago. Philosopher Confucius taught his students the culinary arts twenty-five centuries ago. These recipes have survived to the present day.

All those who first tried Chinese dishes, staggering their uniqueness and complexity of the external preparation. But penetrating the secrets of Chinese cooking, it can be said that the preparation write here is no more difficult than in any other country.

At the beginning of the first millennium BC in Keith tended for a couple of cereals. And methods for their preparation has not changed to this day.

It is known that the ancient Chinese do not drink milk or eat dairy products. Our cheese and butter they call tainted milk. Even the ice cream is prepared with the addition of fruit juices, sweetened crushed sugar cane.

Another feature of Chinese cuisine - fast cooking (while maintaining the most valuable things, including minerals and vitamins). Products to simultaneously reach readiness, Chinese chefs cut them into slices, strips, cubes, cubes, slices, granules and pellets. And crumble, pound and braid. Sometimes the product is shaped ears of wheat sheaves or colors.

Specialists of Chinese cooking in practice use more than twenty ways of cooking write.

Master and bunks in China there are numerous options quenching. For example, fried foods pour wine and stew on low heat, and then evaporated on high. Or use broth instead of wine, and the fire did not increase until the end of cooking.

China has a very diverse food. Each province are generally characterized by its own culinary specifics.

In southern China eat a lot of sugary foods (it is here mainly produce sugar). On the table there is always rice and garlic.

In the north, on the contrary, prefer savory dishes (where salt is mined). And in areas further north food abounds nuts and legumes.

Jiangsu and Chzhets-zyan are close to the sea, so their cuisine is famous for an abundance of dishes from the sea and river products.

The restaurants of Beijing, Tyaitszinya and other central cities in north China are served roasted over an open fire meat dishes.

In Guangzhou, Shanghai and other port cities of traditional cooking methods combined with Western.

Sichuan is famous for its delicious spices and ravioli-huntun - dumplings with minced meat with a very sharp.

But between different culinary schools have much in common. In China, everywhere and always eat rice! Crumbly rice porridge served at the table hot and laid out in a bowl, bowls each separately.

A great place in the Chinese diet is given flour products. Varieties of cakes so much that everything and you name it. Who is most often cooked muffins welt cakes of unleavened dough with semi-liquid soda. Especially popular cakes sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Chinese table unthinkable without vegetables. Confucius taught in every meat dish should be at least two-thirds of vegetables. "Better more vegetables, but less salt," - he said. By the way, here in Buddhist monasteries arose vegetarianism. Chinese cooks can so contrive that of soy beans and kidney beans cooked "boa" tasteful present boa, and "chicken" with taste this chicken. It has even bones; Only crunching them, you can guess that this bamboo shoots and can be eaten whole.

But the real meat of snakes can be enjoyed here. Snake meat, say, eases rheumatic pain, nourishing blood and snake bile is often used as a tonic. By the way, in the province of Canton, not only eat snakes, but also cats, dogs, field mice, crocodiles, frogs, monkeys, deer and herons. And here is considered the most exquisite dish "Battle of the dragon with a tiger." It is prepared from meat three species of poisonous snakes and wild cat with the addition of more than twenty kinds of spices. In soup snakes added cat meat and chicken, as well as chrysanthemum petals and small crispy tortillas.

Beijing roast duck - a very popular dish in China. It is prepared from a special breed of duck, which is different abundance of meat on the breast, thin skin and tender meat. Under the skin the carcass is first introduced compressed air. Top scald with boiling water and cover with syrup (thus the skin becomes bright red and becomes crispy). In such a weft suspended on a hook in a furnace. After five to six minutes after the weft pop out of the oven, it quickly cut into one hundred and twenty slices, wherein each slice has meat and leather. These slices are wrapped in the finest pancakes with chopped green onions and grated garlic. Eat pancakes, dipped in a sweet soy sauce.

Chinese cuisine is always cut, and eat them only sticks and. And for soups served small porcelain spoon with a short handle.

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