Salad of Chinese cabbage, recipes with photos

→ Salad of Chinese cabbage, recipes with photos

picture - Salad of Chinese cabbage, recipes with photos

Chinese cabbage appeared in our country for sale recently, but quickly gained wide popularity. With this useful and tasty vegetables can cook very delicious and, above all, it's salads.

Since Chinese cabbage (also called pekinkoy, and now her name - "petsay") are combined with many products, the number of options of salads with it is huge.

Most often pekinku combine with products such as chicken, cooked sausage, a variety of cheeses, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, pomegranates, tangerines, oranges and other fruits.

For salad with Chinese cabbage, this vegetable is used entirely - leaves with thick bases and veins. A common mistake is that many housewives cut the lower part of the leaf pekinki white, but in vain - that they contain most of the nutrients plants, and they also make a salad with it so juicy and tasty.

Bought a Chinese cabbage and wondered what would be a salad with it? The choice, of course, is great: it can be used for all the salads, which originally made of cabbage - Beijing is its excellent alternative, and there is a mass of original recipes from it.

Salad recipe with Chinese cabbage, chicken and vegetables

picture - Salad of Chinese cabbage, recipes with photos

You will need: 200g of hard cheese type Adyghe or suluguni, 100g of boiled chicken, 100g sour cream or mayonnaise, 1 small cabbage, 1 tomato and bell pepper, 1 bunch green onions or onion 1 onion, 1 tbsp lemon juice, black pepper powder, salt.

How to prepare a salad with Chinese cabbage. Rub on a coarse grater cheese. Stir the sour cream or mayonnaise (or a mixture thereof) with lemon juice and pepper ground. Cut into medium-sized strips cabbage, chicken, tomatoes and peppers, finely chopped onions, combine all prepared foods, season the sauce, mix, apply salad at the table.

Add to this salad can be toasted sesame seeds on a dry frying pan, which will give the dish oriental flavor, boiled rice will make it more nutritious, fresh cucumber - more gentle - fantasize!

How to fill the salad dressing Chinese cabbage?

In addition to the traditional sour cream and mayonnaise salads can be refilled such a sweet honey-lemon filling, mustard sauce, vegetable oil-based and yogurt, pomegranate juice with vegetable oil. It is believed that the best taste of Chinese cabbage emphasizes soy sauce.

Another version of the popular salad with Chinese cabbage - in the form of recipes.

Recipe of the categories: