Turkey - the best dishes of the most useful birds

→ Turkey - the best dishes of the most useful birds

picture - Turkey - the best dishes of the most useful birds

Turkey meat, as they say nutritionists - the most useful and easy, it is very well absorbed and literally saturates the body with nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. A cook turkey can be a huge number of delicious dishes.

Turkey - the best choice for those who want to lose weight, this is the kind of low-calorie meat. And it is recommended for baby food - it's the only meat, does not cause allergic reactions. Just how useful turkey, we can talk very long time - in her meat contains vitamins B, A, E, PP et al., The mass of nutrients and minerals - phosphorus, iron, calcium, etc., and cholesterol it is less likely than all other types of meat. In one portion of turkey contains 60% of the daily requirement of vitamins! And with all that turkey is also very tasty!

Cook turkey can be a lot of different dishes - extinguish it, cut into pieces, bake a whole, to stuff and bake in the oven. However, the most popular are roasting a turkey in the oven whole, perhaps because of the American fashion cook this bird to various holidays. And indeed, this dish turns out not only extremely tasty, but also very effective, and feed a turkey can be 10-15 people at once!

The choice of turkey

First of all, choosing a turkey, determine how many people you are going to feed it. 8-10 persons need bird weighing 4.5-5.5 kg and 12-15 - weight of 9 kg.

It must be noted that in our stores is most common fresh turkey breast, whole bird and harder to find, and sold it, mainly in frozen form. Unfreeze its best "water way" - lowering the water temperature of 15 degrees and regularly changing. If you purchased a frozen turkey weighing up to 6 kg, its thawing will take 19-24 hours, and with a weight of up to 9 kg - up to 2 days. This should be considered in advance.

Buying a fresh turkey, just wipe it with a paper towel inside and out, put on a dish and store it in the refrigerator.

If you bought a fillet, it is better to start cooking.

Cooking turkey

Whatever dish of turkey you go prepared, remember the rule - reach for a fillet or whole bird out of the fridge an hour before cooking. This is especially important if you cook the turkey entirely - this rule allows the meat warms up quickly, and it turns out juicy and delicious.

If you want to bake a turkey in the oven, it is best to marinate it in advance - then it will be more fragrant, tasty and juicy. There are many recipes for turkey marinade:

  • Champagne with spices (1 bottle of champagne + 2 tablespoons lemon peel and the same amount of grated ginger root + herbs to taste, pepper, salt) - rub the bird inside and out, put in a sleeve and pour the champagne, put into the cold on night;
  • of water and spicy seasonings (6 liters of water + salt + 125g sugar 120g powder + / root (6cm) ginger 4 cloves garlic - skip through the press + + 4 tablespoon honey 3 tablespoons black pepper, peas + 2 tablespoons spicy mustard, spice mixtures + 1 tablespoon cumin seeds 1 cinnamon stick + - + mangled cloves + slices with the peel of 1 orange + cilantro / parsley chopped + 2 onions - cut into several pieces) - Mix all marinade ingredients, pour the whole bird, remove 2-3 days in the cold, then wash, dry and bake.

The easiest way to marinate the turkey - Grate the whole carcass or fillets with salt and pepper, as they can add the olive oil and rosemary. Rubbed the bird inside and out or plastered all fillets, let the turkey stand in the cold for several hours.

Often housewives prefer to stuff the turkey, stuffing the most popular options are the following:

  • Potatoes with onions and mushrooms;
  • Mushrooms with apples and nuts;
  • Garlic with spices;
  • Lemons and spicy greens;
  • Calf's liver with nuts;
  • Mushrooms liver;
  • Mushrooms and onions;
  • Oranges with cranberries;
  • Rice with prunes;
  • Antonovka apples with prunes and others.

Choose toppings to your taste - any of these options must come out successfully. However, you can bake a turkey without stuffing - it all depends on you and your desires. If you still stopped on a variant with filling, then stuffed her bird, sew the hole or fasten it with toothpicks.

Subtleties of cooking a turkey

So, the bird marinated, filling chosen, there is a fundamental question: how and how much to bake a turkey in the oven? In preparing the turkey has its own quirks, which necessarily need to know that it has turned out juicy and tasty:

  • Never stuffed turkey tightly filling should have the same temperature as the turkey itself;
  • You can bake a turkey in foil or in a sleeve, or simply put it on a baking sheet, foil is better to do a "two-step" - close it first wings and legs, and a large sheet on top to cover the entire carcass, with legs and wings removed the foil in the least;
  • When roasting a turkey in the sleeve it is not necessary to water the sauce - it is perfectly cooked with little or no attention to you;
  • Cooking time depends on the weight of poultry - 450g for every need 18 minutes;
  • Baking temperature of 190 degrees or 170 in an oven with air circulation;
  • If the turkey is not baked in the sleeve, each hour of her need to be watered stand out Socko individual or a specially prepared for this sauce;
  • Better and juicier turkey breast happens when putting the carcass breast side down, not up;
  • Check the readiness of the turkey should be with a thermometer - the temperature in the thickest part of the thigh (not to touch the device bone) should be 90 degrees or simply pierce the meat in the spokes of the fleshy part of the leg - Select the juice should be pale golden and transparent if it is blood or pinkish - bake for another half hour over a desired time.

Before serving turkey you need to put on a dish and cover tightly with foil and leave for 20-45 minutes.

These are the highlights of the preparation of tasty and healthy meat - turkey, and now let's look at the most delicious recipes with this bird.

Recipe for cooking a turkey in the oven entirely with apples

picture - Turkey - the best dishes of the most useful birds

You will need: 1 turkey carcass, sour cream / mayonnaise / vegetable oil, apples.

How to bake a turkey in the oven in its entirety. Grate the prepared carcass inside and out with salt, coat with skin cream / mayonnaise / oil, to get a crust. Put the turkey in the roasting sleeve, put on a baking sheet, place in preheated oven and bake until done. If the turkey is baked without sleeves - periodically watered her sauce. If desired nafarshiruyte bird cut into slices sour apples or put inside the turkey a few cloves of garlic and uncut 3-5 peas black pepper.

Recipe stew turkey fillet with mushrooms in sour cream

picture - Turkey - the best dishes of the most useful birds

You will need: 500g turkey fillet, 200 grams of mushrooms of any fresh or dried, 200 g sour cream, 2 onions, 1 tsp prepared mustard.

How to cook a turkey breast. Fillet by small cubes into the pan and fry in butter, then put the chopped onions and mushrooms, pepper, salt the, season with spices, put mustard, fry is still 10 minutes, add sour cream, cover and 5 minutes to extinguish. Served with mashed potatoes fit, rice or vegetables.

Turkey steaks with cheese or cheese

picture - Turkey - the best dishes of the most useful birds

You will need: 100g cottage cheese diet / cheese, turkey breast 4,? beam basil, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 tsp ground pepper, salt.

How to cook a turkey steaks. Grate the fillets with salt and pepper, to make incisions in them so that they came to stuff. Basil chopped, mixed with cheese or cottage cheese and pepper. Put the mixture into the incisions, then fry the fillets in a pan with butter until tender.

Fast pilaf recipe with turkey fillet

picture - Turkey - the best dishes of the most useful birds

You will need: 500 g of boiled rice, 400 grams of turkey fillet, 100 grams of fresh mushrooms, 1 bunch green onions, 1 carrot, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 4 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons honey and water.

How to cook risotto with turkey. Heat the pan with oil, fry the chopped green onions for 1 minute, add the sliced mushrooms, fry for 2 minutes, put the chopped carrots and chopped sirloin slices and fry for 3 minutes, add the rice, soy sauce, honey and water, fry still 5 minutes. Before serving, arrange the dish with coriander.

Recipe Rolls of turkey with cheese

picture - Turkey - the best dishes of the most useful birds

You will need: 400 g fillet turkey? a small jar of cream cream cheese? cups beef or vegetable broth, vegetable oil, black pepper, salt.

How to cook a turkey rolls. Along the grain fillet slices about 1 cm thick, a little fight them off, rub with salt and pepper, brush each layer of cheese, twist roll in, fasten with toothpicks or tie threads. Preheat a frying pan with oil, put the rolls and fry until browned, then pour in the broth, reduce heat and 10 minutes to extinguish. Serve with mashed potatoes or fresh vegetables.

Recipe of the categories: