Chicken with vegetables in the New Year "apple"

→ Chicken with vegetables in the New Year "apple"

picture - Chicken with vegetables in the New Year "apple"

200 g fresh / frozen vegetables (green beans, tomatoes, eggplant)

4 cloves garlic

2 bulbs

2 carrots

2 apple

1.5-2 fillet of chicken

1 bay leaves

1 glass carrot-apple juice fresh



Rinse and pat dry the chicken, cut into pieces, fry in vegetable oil, add garlic, passed through the press and spices, stir.

Medium-sized chopped onion, diced chopped apples, add the onions to the chicken, then add worn on a coarse grater carrots and apples, put the rest of the vegetables, pour juice, salt the, season with spices to taste, over low heat put out a few times to mix, a few minutes before end of cooking add the bay leaves and herbs, mix well.

Fed chicken with vegetables in the New Year "apple" as hot.

Recipe of the categories: