Lula kebab - meet season kebabs

→ Lula kebab - meet season kebabs

picture - Lula kebab - meet season kebabs

Outside the window, finally, began this spring, it gets warm and you want to get out more often to nature, and this event is necessarily associated with a barbecue. Cook, of course, can be a traditional barbecue, or you can make a lula kebab - delicious oriental cuisine in a successful preparation you will be pleasantly surprised relatives. And to prepare lula kebab was the best read about all the intricacies of it in this article.

Kebab - a kind of kebab meat, cooked lamb, grilled on skewers over the coals. This dish is very popular in Central Asia, the Balkans and the Caucasus, but thanks to its wonderful taste, it is known in many countries around the world. Cooking delicious lula kebab - an art, but it will be able to master all comers, the main thing - to observe all canons. So do not worry and do not delay the preparation of this wonderful dish - is quite capable to everyone!

Features cooking kebab

Classic kebab made from lamb with the addition of sheep fat and onions.

Often this dish also add chopped greens - to taste it, and recommend that you try both ways to determine which version you prefer. Chopping herbs also need small, like onion, and add to the stuffing with it.

Meat. The flesh of lamb can be taken from any part of the carcass, but the cheapest and most delicious in this option would be to flesh back legs. Lamb can be both young and old - it does not matter, the main thing that the meat was fresh and pleasant to the sight and smell. Ready minced meat for this dish use is not recommended - a dish generally can not work, time and money will be wasted. The pulp is first necessary to cut into large pieces, then two sharp knives to chop the stuffing.

Fat. Used to kebab need kurdjuchnyj fat - and this detail is very important, because without it, the dish will not have that very special flavor and taste, for which it is so appreciated. To lean lamb fat is necessary to take 20-30% by weight of meat, ie for 1kg of meat 200-300 grams of fat. If used with fat meat, respectively, can take less fat. Fat kebab not need to cut and finely chopped, a little frost in advance, so that it is better to chop.

Onion. Luca for kebab is taken as much fat. It is important to cut it as finely as possible, but it can not twist in a meat grinder or chop to it stood out from the juice, which is required when cooking kebabs.

Stages of cooking kebab

picture - Lula kebab - meet season kebabs

  • First step: chop meat.

Before converting the minced meat with it, you must remove all the dense core and film. Use for cutting knives need heavy or hatchets. Mince meat in any case impossible. The result is supposed to be minced with tangible, but small pieces of meat - turn into a puree meat also should not be.

Chop the meat is best for thick and heavy wooden board that it did not fly with the chips, before the event it is necessary to lubricate the mutton fat.

  • Second stage: knead stuffing.

In minced meat turned into a need to add fat and onions, all hands knead thoroughly (better for it to wear gloves), then stuffing seasoned with pepper and salt, as well as additional spices to taste (it can be cumin, coriander, sumac et al.) And again thoroughly kneaded. Stir minced need covering 30-40 minutes away in the cold - it is slightly hardens and sets.

Kneading mince - very important stage of cooking kebab, it must be sufficiently thorough and time-consuming to meat protein stood out due to which further frying meat on a skewer will not fall apart. You can supplement the kneading beating - with the power of throw stuffing, so he hits the board - this will make it more pliable and reduce the time of kneading, as well as help you understand when the stuffing is ready - when from him during the Khitan stop bouncing small lumps.

  • Third stage: the molding.

Kebab molded hands, spitted stuck together in a piece of minced meat patty on flat skewers and flexing his fingers distributed over the skewers. To mince no lime in hand, they need to be constantly wet in hot water.

When forming is very important not to leave stuffing inside cavities with air - this will also help to ensure that skewers collapse.

  • Fourth stage: roasting.

Fry kebab need for a well-heated coals: catch the moment when the fire has only just ceased to glow, but the coals are not yet gray. When frying kebab must be periodically rotated. If the stuffing has been prepared and properly strung from kebabs frying drip juice. Fry need to light golden brown.

picture - Lula kebab - meet season kebabs

If you cook kebab you really want, and the ability to do it on the coals not, fit and oven. In the oven kebab cooked on wooden skewers, pre-soaked for at least half an hour in the water - or they will burn. The oven must first be heated to the maximum and with grill, grill, installed as close as possible to the grill, you need to put the foil and put it on the barbecue, 2 minutes to fry it on each side, then cook until ready, putting lower grille, and the temperature has lowered to 150-160 degrees. Typically, bringing to readiness lyulya oven requires no more than 10 minutes.

If the grill and you can not find, fit and tolstodonnaya pan as possible heavy, better - with slippery bottom. First fry on high lula on both sides, then lower the heat and also how to bring the oven until cooked, turning skewers frequently for 8-10 minutes.

Prepare a wonderful dish as kebab everyone can, even in the absence of the barbecue grill and most importantly - the desire and time!

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