Rice porridge is a delicious and healthy Breakfast

→ Rice porridge is a delicious and healthy Breakfast

picture - Rice porridge is a delicious and healthy Breakfast

Rice porridge is another dish, reminiscent of the majority of population of our country's childhood, kindergarten and school. Having prepared such a mess, you will not only revive the memory of pleasant memories of carefree childhood years, but will also delight yourself with a delicious and useful dish.

Cooking rice porridge - it's not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The fact that the cooking process can occur a number of difficulties: porridge can thicken ahead of time, not to govaritsa and burn, etc. that's why this mess is not so frequent guest on our table, while for anyone who wants to eat well and correctly, it is the same excellent choice of Breakfast, like oatmeal. Rice porridge will be useful for both children and adults with gastrointestinal diseases, and everything else, but because of the high calories to eat it for Breakfast only.

Classic cooking rice porridge with milk, that is the mess we prepared a caring mother and grandmother. To cook this porridge has not caused difficulties, the result is mouth-watering and delicious, and even the most staunch calentamiento asked supplements, we will tell you about all the subtleties of cooking rice porridge.

How to cook delicious rice porridge with milk

To prepare a really delicious milk rice porridge, you need to consider a number of nuances.

Tableware. Cook not only rice, but also any other cereal with milk is always better in pots with non-stick coating (aluminum, stainless steel) - if clover and bree, you don't have to suffer with utensils. In addition, known since ancient times - Kashi "love" cookware with thick walls and bottom.

The proportions. Typically, milk porridge cooked in milk, mixed with water, with the ideal ratio is 1 to 1, and to cook porridge fatty and caloric need to take more milk and less water. As regards the proportions of the liquid-rice, each family they can be their own generic version - 1l liquid 5-6 tbsp rice.

The variety of rice. For cereal milk you want to use only round-grain rice, preferably Krasnodar.

The bookmark of Fig. Rice, to seethe and gradually become soft, you need to put in more cold milk-water mixture.

Tricks for making delicious rice porridge

  • The rice before cooking you need to wash it, and even better to soak it in lukewarm water for 20-40 min and rinse with water after soaking.
  • For any porridge, so it worked out well, you must be careful. Do not want it to burn? Then often stir the porridge at the beginning and end of cooking.
  • If at the end of cooking porridge began to stick to the bottom, so croup has absorbed all the liquid - in this case, porridge can safely pour a little hot milk or water.
  • The time of cooking of cereals depends on the desired softness cereals is usually 30-60 minutes.
  • Salt and sugar put in porridge at the beginning of cooking - even the cold fluid. For optimal taste is better to try the clover when cooking, podsalivaya or adding sugar to desired taste.
  • Butter only put in a finished porridge is especially important this rule is, if you eat it will be with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract people.
  • When cooking porridge can be refilled with any ingredients to taste - dried fruit, apples, etc.

Recipe milk rice porridge

picture - Rice porridge is a delicious and healthy Breakfast

You will need: 4 cups milk, 1 Cup rice, 1 tbsp of sugar ? tsp. salt.

How to make rice milk porridge. Wash the rice, stir in boiling water, cook for 5-8 minutes, drain in a colander and allow to drain water, then the rice to the pan with milk (hot), cook, stirring occasionally, about 15 minutes on low heat, add sugar and salt, stir, cover, put on 10-15 min in a water bath. To fill a mess when applying butter.

The described method of preparation is another option of how you can cook delicious rice porridge. The first method consists of the above tricks: rice is soaked, put in cold liquid, seasoned with salt and sugar and cooked to desired softness on moderate fire.

Many besides milk rice porridge-rasmani, sign and another variant of this clover crumbly.

Recipe crisp rice cereal with cinnamon

picture - Rice porridge is a delicious and healthy Breakfast

You will need: 2 cups of water and milk, 1.5 cups of rice, 3 tbsp sugar 3-4 tbsp butter, ? tsp. cinnamon.

How to cook sweet crumbly rice porridge. Rinse the rice, pour in boiling water, cover tightly with a lid so that no steam over high heat cook for 10 minutes, reduce heat to medium, cook for 5-6 minutes, remove from heat, wrap the pan without opening, blanket, leave on for 15-20 minutes to Put the rice in another bowl, pour the hot milk, not stirring to give it to soak into the rice, add the sugar and cinnamon, add oil, water bath or oven to warm porridge 3-4 minutes and serve.

In such crisp rice porridge, you can add dried fruit or fresh fruit to taste.

To learn how to cook good rice porridge can, and in compliance with all listed in article recommendations, you will certainly be able to do it. Cook porridge often, cheer their loved ones delicious and healthy food and be healthy.

Recipe of the categories: