Porridge in Multivarki

→ Porridge in Multivarki

picture - Porridge in Multivarki

One of the first courses, through which popularized this now became super popular kitchen appliance as multivarka was just porridge. And the thing is that any mess in Multivarki obtained simply wonderful: buckwheat, rice, millet - any! And all this - without any effort and "magic" over the pan.

Simple cooking with minimum effort zatrachivaniya with maximum impact: any dishes made correctly for a good recipe in Multivarki obtained very delicious and fragrant - all of the above made multivarku today one of the most popular kitchen appliances. But first, have porridge. It was their first started cooking in this modern device hostess.

Successfully obtained in Multivarki porridge from any kinds of groats: oat, rice, barley, wheat, buckwheat, etc. By virtue of this device to prepare delicious porridge on the water and milk, while the latter was used to prepare a real test for inexperienced hostesses. Today, enough to fill a device with milk and water, add grits - and a few minutes later a wonderful porridge is ready, no need to pore over it, fearing that will burn, seethe, boil water, etc.

Cooking porridge with milk in most multivarok a mode of "Milk porridge", and for any cooking porridge on the water suitable mode "Buckwheat".

Recipe for cooking porridge in Multivarki

picture - Porridge in Multivarki

You will need: 1 liter milk 3.5-5%, 1 1/3 cups multivarochnyh millet cereal, 3 tablespoons sugar.

How to cook millet porridge with milk in Multivarki. Rinse millet cereal with plenty of water, then pour over boiling water. Pour the pudding into a bowl Multivarki, add sugar and pour the milk. Enable "Milk porridge" for half an hour. After this time, leave the mess for another 30 minutes under the conditions of heating (optional). Post porridge for breakfast or lunch.

In general, this recipe suitable for preparing sweet dairy cereal of any suitable cereals for this can only change the proportions of water, depending on the recommendations of the common ratio of the amount of water and one or other cereals, as well as the desired density cereals.

Videoretsept cooking porridge in Multivarki

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