The most useful of porridge - cooked in a double boiler

→ The most useful of porridge - cooked in a double boiler

picture - The most useful of porridge - cooked in a double boiler

Steamers love for what they allow you to maintain maximum contained in those or other products of vitamins and minerals. Porridge in a double boiler work is particularly useful, however, prepared substantially longer than on the stove. For those who are ready bit to "suffer" for the sake of health - recipes kas in a double boiler.

Every dish is cooked in a double boiler, is different from its conventional counterpart. So, porridge in this device are more crumbly, and porridge, gruel it does not cook. Of course, in these cereals is much more valuable substances, vitamins. The latter fact is the main reason why cooks are taken for cooking porridge in the steamer, which takes much more time than using a plate, multivarki, ovens, etc.

In the process of cooking porridge, cooked in a double boiler, also as usual, you can add different products - meat, poultry, fruits, vegetables, etc. Standard cooking time of any cereal in this device is about 40 minutes, but in favor of the device we can say that this mess will not flee and will not burn - it makes such a method of preparation of porridges ideal for young mothers.

For cooking porridge in the steamer necessary condition is the presence of a complete set of device special perforated Cup (often called the "capacity for cooking rice"), which is placed immediately and grits, and liquid.

The recipe for buckwheat in a double boiler

picture - The most useful of porridge - cooked in a double boiler

You will need: 1 Cup of milk ? water, 2 tsp. sugar, salt, butter.

How to cook oatmeal in a double boiler. Put the oatmeal in the form, pour the hot milk, boiling water, salt, sweeten it with sugar, mix well, set the time for cooking porridge 40min. Fill the finished porridge with butter.

This is the mechanism of preparation of many cereals in a double boiler: put in a bowl, pour boiling water or hot milk and water, to salt or seasoning with sugar to taste and cook for 30-40min. This applies to rice, buckwheat is the most popular in General. But barley, millet, corn is slightly different cooking in a double boiler.

Recipe barley porridge in a double boiler

You will need: 3 cups water 2-3 cups of yogurt, 1 Cup pearl barley, salt, butter.

How to cook barley porridge in a double boiler. Before laying in the steamer grits should not be dry - it should be soaked in cold water over night, or in kefir or curdled milk. Soaked groats, rinse, put in a bowl, pour boiling water, put the cooking time half an hour, then install it again, cooked porridge to salt and serve.

It is soaking in the buttermilk or yogurt gives the same air effect, for which he was so fond of barley our ancestors.

Recipe corn cereal in a double boiler

picture - The most useful of porridge - cooked in a double boiler

You will need: 100ml of boiling water and hot milk, 2 tbsp. of cornmeal, 2 tsp. sugar, 1 tbsp butter, salt.

How to make corn porridge in a double boiler. Rinse barley under running water, put in a tank steamer for rice, pour in the boiling water and hot milk, set time 25min, after the signal sprinkle with salt and sugar, put the butter, stir. If the porridge is too thick - add a little more water or boil it 5 minutes, then give a little brew.

If you cook porridge on the water, without milk, the total volume of water should be the same as when cooking on two liquids, i.e., in this case, you take 200ml of water.

Recipe millet porridge in a double boiler with dried fruit

You will need: 1 Cup millet 3 cups water ? Cup raisins, prunes and dried apricots, cinnamon, salt.

How to cook millet porridge in a double boiler. Rinse and soak the wheat overnight, and then without a liquid put into the container, pour boiling water and cook for half an hour. Dried fruits cut into small pieces, put on millet, without mixing up cooking for another half hour, then stir, salt and seasoning cinnamon, cook for half an hour, season with butter before serving, you can also fill with honey.

The sugar in this cereal is not added because of the presence of sweet dried fruits.

Recipe wheat porridge with carrots in the steamer

You will need: 400ml boiling water, 200 g of wheat cereal, 1 carrot, salt.

How to cook wheat porridge in a double boiler. Cereal to put in the tank steamers for cooking rice and rinse, RUB the carrot on a coarse grater. Pour cereal with boiling water, put the carrots, salt, stir and cook for 45 min.

In any porridge to taste you can add vegetables - just chop them in cubes or RUB, put together with barley in a bowl and pour the liquid will be more rich and interesting taste.

Eat healthy food, and the body will say thank you for this!

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