Meatball soup: cook the most delicious soup

→ Meatball soup: cook the most delicious soup

picture - Meatball soup: cook the most delicious soup

Soup with meatballs is one of the most popular, cook more often, because this soup turns out delicious, nourishing and delicious. If, on the other soups can not "guess", and they often are not very fragrant, quite lean, it will easily cope even novice cooks.

Meatballs call made from any meat balls small size (approximately from cherry to walnut), boiled in broth. The stuffing can be anything: meat (beef, pork, mixed), chicken, Turkey or fish, and even vegetables. The only better if the meat is more lean meat.

Accordingly, the soup with meatballs can also be of any composition, the main thing is that there were meatballs. To prepare this soup very quickly, and it turns out delicious and fun to eat both children and adults.

In the preparation of this soup there are subtleties, compliance with which can make it very flavorful and rich. About the details and we will tell you.

Preparation of tender meatballs

The more tender meatballs will turn out, the tastier it will be soup. Components of ground meat for meatballs is the main ingredient (meat, fish or vegetables), as well as onions, various spices to taste, and salt. In addition to the meatballs, you can add herbs, soaked white bread, walnut and other additives to taste. But the rice in these meatballs should not be added, otherwise it will have the meatballs, but this practice is very common.

For meat it is better to choose low-fat grades of meat, of fish fit tilapia and cod, if you are using chicken that only fillet or liver. For vegetable meatballs use beets, carrots, potatoes, eggplant, zucchini and other vegetables, which form the meatballs after boiling and rubbing on the grater.

For cooking delicate, smooth and juicy meatballs minced need to grind through a fine lattice grinder, better 2 times. Onions added minced finely chopped or grated on a grater, it can also grind in a meat grinder together with meat, vegetables or fish. Special tenderness of the meat can be given with a few tricks:

  • Add in the minced bread crumbs, soaked and pressed crackers white bread (up to one third of the total meat) or semolina (500 g minced - 1 tbsp semolina) - after adding monkey minced have 15 minutes to infuse in cold weather: semolina swell, and prepared the meatballs will be especially gentle and soft;
  • Knocking the stuffing: mixed minced need to throw in a bowl or on a Board, raise and re-throw - repeat this procedure until the meat acquires a uniform and smooth structure (products from the "broken" meat never fall apart during cooking);
  • The cooling of the meat immediately after cooking: involved stuffing immediately clear in the cold and let it get cold.

Never add the minced meat for meatballs egg is properly cooked meat when forming meatballs small size (up to walnut) so will not fall apart, because eggs are ready meatballs will have a more robust flavor and the broth will turn cloudy.

As already noted, the meatballs should be done in size from a cherry to walnut, you can use a teaspoon or produce items, constantly wetting your hands in cold water, otherwise the meat will be for them to stick.

Ready meatballs can be frozen: place them on the parchment and store in the freezer, and after solidification can be folded into the package and keep up to demand.

Cook the soup: when putting the meatballs

Cook soup with meatballs can be on any broth - vegetable, beef, chicken, mushroom, fish. Of course, it should be borne in mind that for soup fish soup is better to use meatballs fish, etc. Additional components such soup - various cereals (rice, buckwheat and so on), or pasta, and vegetables to taste (potatoes, peppers, carrots, onions, celery, spinach, and so on).

So, you have prepared the broth, sformovat meatballs, what to do next? Put the broth, vegetables, and other ingredients depending on how much time is required to bring them to readiness. Usually first put the potatoes, half the potato is added zazharkoy of onions and carrots (you can add peppers, celery and other vegetables to taste), and then put the meatballs. Cereals are also added depending on how much time is required for cooking, often to the potatoes, if they are stored in raw form or after - if placed in finished or semi-finished state, and the noodles are put after the meatballs.

Before adding to the soup meatballs fire to reduce to a minimum - if you put them in much the boiling soup, the broth becomes turbid. To avoid turbidity of broth, some Housewives boil the meatballs separately - it is better not to do it, because you will lose part of the broth, the soup will not be as rich. Also sometimes before adding meatballs to soup them fry until Browning pan - soup with meatballs gets even tastier, but if you stick to the diet, it is better not to do.

After laying meatballs do not forget to remove the resulting foam and periodically stir the soup to raw meatballs don't stick together with ready. Usually when these sizes they reach the maximum willingness for 7-10 minutes, and small and does require up to 5 minutes of cooking. The meatballs are ready when they all floated to the surface of the soup.

After the meatballs have achieved readiness, in the soup, you can add the chopped parsley and turn off the heat. Thus, if you cook the stuffing in advance, to prepare the simplest version of this soup (with potatoes and onion and carrot zazharkoy) will take no more than 15 minutes: quick, easy and very tasty - isn't it the dream of every housewife?! By the way, to make this soup with meatballs ready meat is not recommended in the finished stuffing a lot of harmful additives, as they say - "chemistry", also need to consider that it is prepared often not very fresh meat, so to make the beef for meatballs, and indeed for any of its products, in our time better with their hands.

Soup with meatballs, there are many, the most popular option - chicken soup with meatballs and noodles.

The recipe is simple and quick soup with meatballs and noodles

picture - Meatball soup: cook the most delicious soup

You will need: 450 g chicken meat home, 100g vermicelli or noodles, 4 potatoes, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 onion, 1 large carrot, 3-5 peas allspice, Bay leaf, dried parsley and dill, dried herbs to taste, salt.

How to cook chicken soup with meatballs and noodles. 2/3 fill the pan with water, bring to a boil. Mix minced meat with passed through garlic press, salt and pepper, to make meatballs. Peel, cut into cubes or diced potatoes, chopped carrots and onions. Throw the balls one by one into boiling water, when they will emerge, put all the spices and salt, 8-10 minutes to boil on a slow fire, put the potatoes, 5 min to boil, add fried onion, carrot, noodles or vermicelli, dried herbs, cook for another 5-8 minutes until cooked noodles, turn off the oven, season the soup with dried dill and parsley or fresh herbs.

In this recipe, the meatballs are placed first because the soup is cooked not on the finished broth, and water. For more nourishing soups use ready-made broth, and put meatballs for 10 minutes before the end of total cooking soup after laying vegetables, pasta and cereals. Instead of noodles to cook soup with chicken meatballs with rice. The rice is put in the soup to potato, or is it better to boil it until cooked separately and put into the soup for 5-10 minutes before end of cooking. Rice cannot be laid simultaneously with potatoes, because he doesn't cook until ready, and potatoes seethe.

The recipe for fish soup with meatballs

picture - Meatball soup: cook the most delicious soup

You will need: 1 kg of cod, 2 onions, 2 slices white bread, 1 carrot, ? Cup milk, 2 tbsp butter, ? celery small, black pepper, salt.

Cook fish soup with meatballs. Cod cover with water and boil until tender, fish to get, allow to cool, cut into fillets, strain the broth. Cut with a bread crust, pour the pulp milk for 5 minutes, squeeze, twist, together with the fish fillets through a meat grinder. Finely chop 1 onion, fry in a pan with oil until Browning 5 min, add in the minced meat, salt, mix well, sformovat stuffing wet hands meatballs about 2 cm in diameter. The broth, bring to boil, put the diced carrots, celery and onion, salt and pepper, 10 min to boil, put the meatballs, cook for another 10 minutes before they are ready.

In this soup, you can add, if desired, rice, potatoes or canned tomatoes in their own juice.

Recipe of mushroom soup with meatballs

picture - Meatball soup: cook the most delicious soup

You will need: 400 g mushrooms, 2 potatoes, 1 carrot and onion, 4 tbsp of vegetable oil and sour cream 1 bunch green onions, salt, meatballs - 200 g pork meat, 25 g salt peeled pistachios, 2 sprigs of cilantro, 2 cloves of garlic.

How to cook mushroom soup with meatballs. Knife chop the pistachios, the same to be done with garlic, wash the cilantro, the leaves apart, chop finely, mix all with minced meat, adding some salt, pepper to taste, remove the stuffing in the cold. Wash and chop the mushrooms, onion, carrots, potatoes. To make stuffing 18 meatballs and fry for about 5 minutes before Browning in a pan with oil, put on a platter with a slotted spoon. The remaining oil to pour into the pan, put the carrots and onions, 6 min to fry, put the mushrooms and fry for 5 minutes, then pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, add the potatoes, bring to a boil, add salt and pepper, reduce heat and cook 10 minutes to Put in the soup meatballs, 5 min to boil. Before serving, season the soup with sour cream and green onions.

Rich and aromatic soup with meatballs - the perfect solution for a tasty lunch or dinner, try to cook this soup to your taste and make sure how it's simple, fast and delicious!

How to choose a meat grinder. We'll show you.

Recipe of the categories: