Fish soup recipes
"Fish soup - not the same as that of the ear" - say some. "Fish soup and ear - the same" - tell others. According to many, but the main point is that the fish soup, fish soup call him or not - it is very tasty, if properly cook it!
Regarding the fish soup and soup there are many points of view. For example, many fishermen believe that the soup is just such a soup, which is cooked from fresh freshly caught fish, and, at the stake, and everything else - not the ear. Experienced cooks will say that the fish soup properly called everything is cooked from frozen, canned and even dried fish, and cooked with fresh fish soup - it's still the ear. There is also a very common view that any cooked fish soup - it's ear. Understand these subtleties can be infinite, but you can just buy or catch fish and cook her delicious soup, without delving into how it should be called.
Recipe for preparing the classic fish soup
You will need: 250g of fish, 100g butter and potatoes on 75g carrots and onions, 50g parsley root, parsley, salt, spices to taste.
How to cook a classic fish soup. Fish cover with water and cook the broth. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Julienne cut carrots, onions and parsley. Roots browned in butter. Fish get from the broth, to cut into small pieces, put in boiling broth potatoes and boil it 5-7min, add the browned vegetables, fish back into the soup, boil it even 10-15min until cooked potatoes and fish. Season with soup at the end of cooking salt, pepper, chopped herbs and serve.
Secrets of cooking delicious fish soup
- Fish soup taste depends on the taste of cooked fish broth, so to learn how to cook a delicious fish soup, pre-need to learn to cook a delicious fish broth.
- Cooking better fish broth with fresh rather than frozen fish, which does not give the desired flavor and taste. If you still use frozen fish, it must be put into the cool water - if you put in hot or boiling water, it will be quite tasteless.
- For flavor in the fish soup at the end of cooking often add bay leaf.
- Of carp, roach, roach and bream fish soup cooking is not accepted, because when cooking these types of fish soup impart a bitter taste - all other types of fish can be used to make soup.
- To make the soup richer Fisheries taste and aroma it is possible to put several species of fish.