Pizza "Four seasons"

→ Pizza "Four seasons"

picture - Pizza "Four seasons"

Required products:

300 g pizza dough

4 PCs tomatoes

200 g fresh mushrooms

8 PCs olives -

16 anchovy fillets

160 g green asparagus

8 salami - circles

3 tbsp. olive oil

200 g Parmesan cheese grated

1 tbsp. dried herbs - and-spices mixture

1 garlic - clove


The cook asparagus in salted water for 8 to 12 minutes. Mushrooms cut into slices, fry with chopped garlic on the part of the oil and season with salt.

Tomatoes scald, peel, chop, simmer a bit and mash.

Roll out the dough into a cake, put on a greased sheet, drizzle with oil and cover with a layer of warm tomato puree. Cake, divide into 4 pieces. One part lay the mushrooms on the second - sliced salami and olives (pitted), the third - asparagus and fourth pieces of anchovy fillets and olives. Sprinkle with grated cheese and a blend of herbs, drizzle with oil and bake in the oven at 220 �C for 20 minutes.

Recipe of the categories: