Zucchini with apples and carrots

→ Zucchini with apples and carrots

picture - Zucchini with apples and carrots

1 kg zucchini

1 l apple juice

500 g carrots

500 g apples

500 ml water

50 g sugar

5 leaves lemongrass

50 g salt

Rinse and clean the zucchini, then slice them thinly.

Remove seeds from apples, peel carrots and cut carrots and apples are also circles.

Lay circles apples, zucchini and carrots into a sterilized jar capacity 3L, put lemongrass.

Dilute apple juice with water (better to take natural apple juice, not a store), add sugar and salt, stir and bring to a boil.

Twice pour squash with apples and carrots boiling brine, then brine again bring to a boil, pour into a jar and roll it.

Recipe of the categories: