Salad "March 8" with calamari, cheese, eggs and caviar

→ Salad "March 8" with calamari, cheese, eggs and caviar

picture - Salad "March 8" with calamari, cheese, eggs and caviar

70 g cheese

50 g picture - Salad "March 8" with calamari, cheese, eggs and caviar red caviar

5 eggs

3 squid

2 boiled carrots

1 garlic clove


Eggs RUB on a grater, cook the squid for 3 min, allow to cool, peel, cut into strips.

Carrots clean, RUB on a large grater.

Cheese also RUB on a grater.

On a large flat dish to put two cups of different sizes, put the lettuce around them, forming the figure 8.

Layers: eggs, mayonnaise, squid, mayonnaise, carrots, cheese, mayonnaise, the last layer of red caviar.

To make the salad, "8 March" with calamari, cheese, eggs and caviar greens, put into the refrigerator for a few hours to seal, then carefully remove the glasses.

Recipe of the categories: