Salads with seafood cocktail

→ Salads with seafood cocktail

picture - Salads with seafood cocktail

If you want to energize your body with something tasty, useful, but it is also easy dishes from seafood cocktails will be the perfect choice. We focus our attention on the most delicious salad with seafood cocktail.

Sea cocktail - a seafood platter, which includes mussels, shrimp, octopus and squid. As a rule, in our stores seafood mix sold in frozen form - it's for the best, considering how fast these sensitive products may deteriorate. Various dishes with seafood cocktail - no longer a rarity on the table, and daily, and holidays, and one of the best choices of dishes with this product are a variety of salads. Cook a delicious salad with seafood cocktail, make no mistake - this is a wonderful dish is also very good saturate the body with much needed nutrients in the spring.

In maritime cocktail contains amino acids, vitamins A, D and E, as well as more than 38 (!) Trace elements, including iodine.

What salads can be prepared with seafood cocktail

picture - Salads with seafood cocktail

Since seafood perfectly combined with many fruits and vegetables, rice, spaghetti, pasta and a host of other products, salads they can make a huge set.

Before preparing a salad with seafood they need to prepare: Cooking seafood mix should be no more than 15 minutes, and it is better just to fill them with boiling water and boil for 3-5 minutes, you can also evaporate the liquid from the frozen seafood in a frying pan, but do not overdo it with the time of heat treatment, or they become rubber.

The easiest salad with seafood cocktail: Combine prepared seafood with large pieces of lettuce leaves, sprinkle with lemon juice and olive oil, pepper and salt - to prepare this tasty and healthy meals will take no more than 10 minutes! In this salad, you can add your favorite vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, etc.

Fill salads with seafood cocktail can be virtually any sauces - olive oil, mayonnaise, sour cream, etc. Excellent and easy refueling option - a mixture of olive oil with lemon juice and pepper.

Prepare salads with seafood as possible for everyday meals, as well as for the festive table - a delicious meal, guests will appreciate, and the body only say thank you, if you enter these salads in a weekly diet.

Regular consumption of marine cocktail helps eliminate insomnia, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, neutralizes caused harm to animal fats, improves thinking due to iodine content, normalizes blood sugar and blood pressure, and metabolism, stimulates the endocrine system.

We will talk about the most simple, but interesting ways salads with seafood cocktail.

Recipe salad seafood cocktails and sweet peppers in white sauce

Need: seafood cocktails, sweet pepper, olive oil, mayonnaise, garlic, lettuce.

How to prepare a salad of seafood cocktail with pepper. Seafood mix boil a few minutes, leaving in boiling water, discard in a colander and dry. Cut into slices sweet pepper, mix with ostyvshimi seafood. Beat the mayonnaise with olive oil, add the garlic passed through the press. Cover the platter with lettuce, put seafood with pepper, pour the prepared sauce.

This easy to prepare, but extremely tasty salad can be prepared as a weekday, as well as for any holiday feast.

Buy the best seafood that had been frozen by shock freezing, choosing seafood mix, make sure that in the package there was no snow and it did not crunched beneath his fingers in compression package - it shows repeated freezing and buy such a product should not be.

Salad recipe from the sea and avocado cocktail

Need: seafood mix, avocado, green onions, garlic, lime juice / lemon, soy sauce.

How to prepare a salad with avocado and seafood cocktail. Seafood fry in a pan. Avocado peeled, cut in half lengthwise and remove the seeds and cut into medium slices, combine with seafood, add chopped green onions. Skip the garlic through a press, mix with lime juice and soy sauce, season with salad prepared sauce.

Delicious salad can be prepared with seafood cocktail, eggs and tomatoes.

Recipe salad seafood mix with yogurt dressing

picture - Salads with seafood cocktail

You will need: 3 hard-boiled eggs, tomatoes 2 large onion 1 red, 1 pack of sea cocktail, wheat crackers, olive oil, pepper, salt, dressing - 100 ml yogurt natural, 1-2 tsp Dijon mustard.

How to prepare a salad with seafood cocktail and vegetables. Slightly defrosted seafood into the pan, evaporate moisture, pour oil, pepper and salt and fry for 2 minutes stirring continuously, remove from heat. Cut the tomatoes, onions and eggs, combine with seafood, pepper and salt, season with mustard mixed with yogurt, feeding sprinkle each serving of salad croutons.

With raw seafood mix also combines perfectly.

Recipe salad seafood mix with cheese

You will need: 500 g of sea cocktail tomatoes 200-250 g, 100-150 g of cheese, olives 12-15, 5-6 lettuce leaves, 1-2 cloves of garlic, 2-3 tablespoons mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 1.5-2 tablespoons vegetable oil.

How to prepare a salad with cheese and seafood cocktail. Frozen cocktail into the pan, 7-10 minutes they have thawed, then they can fry with oil, drain the liquid, or put out in the released liquid for 3-5 minutes. On a fine grater rub the cheese, cut into slices flat tomatoes, passed through a press garlic, mix the garlic, soy sauce and mayonnaise. Shots lettuce dish, they put a layer of tomatoes, grease filling, put the chopped olives rings, put a layer of cheese, put on top of seafood, pour the remaining sauce.

Spectacular salad with seafood cocktail can be prepared simply by mixing cooked seafood marinated in citric acid onions - almost any salad with seafood cook very easily, and it turns out very tasty, beautiful and, of course, useful. Try it and you!

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