Salad with beet tops

→ Salad with beet tops

picture - Salad with beet tops

Buying or collecting young beets in the garden, many housewives are cut off and discarded tops - beet leaves with stems, and do so for nothing. Beet tops - a delicious and valuable product itself as beets, even several times her superior in terms of the content of nutrients. One category of dishes that can be prepared with beet tops - salads, about them and we will tell.

Beet greens are very useful - it contains folic acid and ascorbic acid, vitamin B, P, PP, U, as well as substances such as magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron, calcium, betaine, cobalt, choline. Vitamin C in the beet tops and did several times more than in the roots.

Until a few decades ago, Soviet scientists have found that the leaf of the different vegetables surpass roots in chemical composition. Beets - one of the brightest examples of that.

In kitchens around the world, and in our including exist famous dishes that are cooked with beet tops. We have it, for example, summer soup, and in Georgia - pkhali. Made with beets and cook salads such salads - a real vitamin bomb for the body, eating them periodically, you provide yourself with the prevention of internal bleeding and multiple sclerosis, metabolic problems and blood, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, gastritis, liver disease and etc.

Recipe salad with beet tops and nuts

You will need: 4 sprigs parsley, turnip 3 young beets, 2 cloves garlic, 1 onion, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 tsp adzhika, 0.3 cups walnuts, salt.

How to prepare a salad of beet tops. Chop the onion rings, finely chop the garlic and parsley, nuts - a large crumbs. Rinse well tops and cut into pieces about 4 cm in length, put in boiling water, blanch 4 minutes, put in a colander, cool. Stir tops and nuts, onions, parsley and garlic, season with salad adzhika and butter and salt to taste it.

Salad with vegetables and beets with tops

picture - Salad with beet tops

You will need: 3 young beets with tops, 1 apple, red onion, fresh and slightly salted cucumber dressing - 150 ml of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon honey, 2 tsp ground ginger, mustard, salt.

How to prepare a salad of beet tops with vegetables. Cut off from beet tops, as it should be washed. Root also wash and wrapped individually in foil, bake 3 beets 40 minutes in a preheated 200 degree oven, cool, peel and cut into medium-sized pieces. Diced apple and slice cucumbers, finely chop the onion, cut into medium-sized beet tops. For the sauce, beat the butter with mustard, ginger, honey, salt the, season with folded into a bowl of ingredients, mix the salad.

Salad from beet tops with greens and eggs

You will need: 200 g of fresh beet tops, 50 g of sunflower oil and green salad, 1 boiled egg,? lemon, parsley, dill, salt.

How to prepare a salad topper beets, greens and eggs. Finely chop the tops, lettuce, greens, season with all the oil. Egg finely chopped, add to the salad, pour salad with lemon juice and salt the, stir and serve.

Salad recipe from beet tops with chicken and vegetables

You will need: 250 g of boiled chicken breast, 150 g cucumbers and small tomatoes, 1 beam lettuce, beet tops and parsley dressing - 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons olive / sunflower oil, 1.5 tbsp apple cider vinegar, 2 tsp sugar and mustard, pepper, salt.

How to cook chicken salad and beet tops with vegetables. Breast, cut into strips, slices - cucumbers and tomatoes, chopped herbs, tops and leaves of lettuce. Stir all products for refueling, excluding oil, then start pouring his thin stream with constant stirring. Connect products for the salad, pour the dressing.

Try to prepare any salad with beet tops to your taste - it can be used together with stems as well as the usual lettuce or greens. Throwing away, and adding this valuable product in daily diet, you will bring great benefit to their own health and the health of loved ones.

Recipe of the categories: