What to cook cauliflower? The most delicious dishes
Cauliflower - is a very useful product which, moreover, is also delicious if properly cook it. In this article we will talk about the benefits, culinary properties and mouth-watering dishes of this vegetable.
As brussels sprouts, cauliflower receives far less popular as compared to the more usual cabbage. However, nutritionists and doctors recommend to eat it as often as possible, because it is very useful to all, and to all who are watching their weight or want to lose weight, generally irreplaceable.
100g cauliflower all 30kkal! It is extremely lightweight and perfectly assimilated by the product that you want to include in the diet of all who seek to lose weight. As part of this vegetable mass of vitamins, including vitamins C and A in it more than the lemon! It also vitamins (B1, 2, 5, 6, 9 - this explains its ability to improve the human condition in chronic fatigue and depressive states), vitamin K, PP, H, rare vitamin U (enzyme promotes the formation of) biotin, beta carotene, are valuable and desired body substances such as calcium, magnesium, fluoride, copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, choline, and other unsaturated fatty acids useful. Due to the fact that the cauliflower is not too much fat, it does not irritate the stomach lining, fully absorbed and digested, so it is recommended to eat for those who suffer from diseases of the intestine, liver, gall bladder and gastrointestinal tract as a whole, as well as gastritis. Eat this cabbage doctors strongly recommend and children, this lightweight product is well affect the operation of their stomach, solves problems with constipation and stool.
For a long time called the Syrian cauliflower, which explains the country of its origin. This is only a cultivated plant, is not found in the wild. Cabbage from the Arab world came to Spain, and from there - in the rest of Europe in the 14th century. At us it has spread among the upper layers of the population under Catherine II in the 18th century - then it ate only the rich people, because we have not grown it, and brought it from abroad.
Interestingly origin of the name "color" cabbage why its so called, if it is not a color, but just white? All because of its inflorescences, but not in bright colors, they are thought to resemble flowers, hence the name of this vegetable.
Today, cauliflower eat on every continent, and the entire civilized world, in recent years, been involved for a healthy diet, consider it one of the most necessary and useful vegetables. Of course, not only the value of this product for health explains its popularity: cauliflower is exquisite, delicate flavor is more subtle than that of cabbage, and really versatile as a food product, which makes it also very "convenient" for cooks vegetables, from which you can cook a lot of different delicious dishes.
Eat cauliflower also recommended for various lung diseases, including bronchitis, kidney and liver diseases. However, do not overdo it, and, by this vegetable should be treated with care those who are prone to food allergies, and gout and did a contraindication to its use.
Culinary use cauliflower and recipes
Various soups, including soups, casseroles, stews, appetizers, pot roast, salads - all made from cauliflower. It can be fried, stewed, boiled, even preserved in splendid isolation or in combination with other vegetables. Some dishes are not only of themselves inflorescences, but even from the leaves of this vegetable.
That leaves - the main indicator of freshness cauliflower if they are fresh, beautiful, lush green, so fresh vegetables and helpful. After selecting cabbage, the important point is its preparation to cooking, which is important to do the right thing (for example, between inflorescences may be insects, so to remove them, it must be soaked in water).
In the food we eat, interestingly, not the fruit, and unopened inflorescence buds (flowers) Cabbage - cooking it in a rather rare situation. Therefore, as a rule, before cooking head disassembled into florets by cutting them therefrom. Exception - when this cabbage stuffed, then cut the florets from stalks do not need.
The simplest dish of this vegetable - vitamin salad: for it is necessary to lightly simmered cabbage, cool, cut into small pieces, mix with nuts and herbs, season with vegetable oil and salad is ready! A very popular dish - fried tempura cauliflower (cm. Video at end of article). We turn to the interesting recipes and delicious dishes that can be cooked cauliflower.
Recipe soup with chicken meatballs, cabbage
You will need: 100g chicken fillet 100g cauliflower, grated ginger 10g, 5g of soy sauce, 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon crackers powder, salt, cooked in chicken bone broth with vegetables.
How to cook soup with cauliflower. Raw chicken twist the stuffing. In boiling water cabbage simmered until soft, dry and also twist as finely as possible. Mix the cabbage and chicken with ginger mass, protein, soy sauce, breadcrumbs, salt the. Molded minced meatballs using spoons, put them into the boiling broth and boil until the ascent.
These meatballs with pleasure'll eat even those who flatly refuses to eat this cabbage in a more explicit form it.
Very popular soups cauliflower, which are prepared very simply: cabbage cooked pyuriruyut, diluted broth. Combined in such soups she can with any vegetables, meat, chicken, mushrooms, cream, etc. Well, we move on to the main courses. The next dish is called in the French manner - "gratin". This term is commonly understood in French cuisine all zapekankopodobnoe that is baked in the oven until golden brown, usually - with cream and cheese.
Recipe gratins Cauliflower
You will need: 1 head (about 1.5kg) cauliflower 500ml milk 200ml cream, 200g of cheese melting well, 5 cloves of garlic, butter, nutmeg, and salt.
How to cook with cauliflower gratin. Disassemble the head on the inflorescence, milk in the proportion of 1: 1 diluted with water, salt the and bring to a boil, boil the cabbage for 5-7 minutes, drain. Cream mix half the grated cheese, nutmeg and adding also passed through the press garlic. Obsushennuyu cabbage put in greased with butter form, fill with cheese and creamy mass, put on 10 minutes in a preheated oven 200gradusov, then sprinkle with remaining cheese and bake another 5-10min before it melted and light browning.
Similarly, you can cook the cauliflower in the pot: boil it, put in pots, pour the egg-cream weight, sprinkle with cheese and bake.
Another dish about which we can not tell - is stuffed with cauliflower. This food is like everyone who tries it.
Recipe stuffed cauliflower
You will need: 1 head cauliflower, 200g mixed minced meat, 100g of cheese, smoked bacon fat, 1 onion and egg,? cups of broth, 2-3 tablespoons sour cream, 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs, milk, pepper, salt, parsley.
How to cook stuffed with cauliflower. At a ratio of 1 to 1 mix milk with water, salt the, bring to a boil, put the prepared cabbage whole, bring to a boil, boil for 5-7min, get out of the liquid and dry. Finely chop the onion and bacon and fry, put minced meat, stew covered over low heat until tender. To drive the stuffing (cooled) egg, add bread crumbs, add the chopped parsley, pepper and salt and mix well. Fingers push the stuffing between inflorescences of cabbage - stuffed her, turning up the lower part, you can see the gaps between inflorescences. Place the stuffed head in the form, turning in the normal position of heads down, pour the broth, smear sour cream, bake until boiling broth in a preheated moderate oven for about half an hour, then coat with sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake until it melted. When submitting cut cabbage as pie.
Of course, with cauliflower can be cooked more and a lot of salads: combine it with any vegetables, mushrooms, eggs, legumes - a lot of options, dressed salads such any ingredients to your taste. Cauliflower is very well combined with many products, the taste is not lost, and ruled a ball of taste.
Eat healthy foods, be energetic and healthy!