5 The original recipe of dandelions

→ 5 The original recipe of dandelions

picture - 5 The original recipe of dandelions

For some, it will be a real discovery, others cooks heard that dandelion - the plant are edible, and from it we can cook a lot of dishes. In this collection of recipes we tell you about the most delicious, easy to prepare and healthy dish of dandelions.

Different nations, such as Chinese, use dandelion food since ancient times, in this country it is considered a vegetable crops, unlike ours, where it is increasingly seen as a weed. This plant is included in the diet of the first settlers of the Americas. You can eat all the pieces of this amazing plant - the flowers, stems, leaves and even roots.

Dandelion roots thick, large compared with the above-ground part of the plant, the taste they resemble mushrooms. Cleaning the roots - the process simple but long, peeled roots can be eaten raw, but are believed to be more than they are tasty fried. Fry roots can with vegetables, meat and other products to taste in the pan - it takes a little bit, enough to fry them for 10-15 minutes. It is best to gather dandelion root to bloom in the spring, but in general, they can be eaten throughout the season, as any roots, they are hearty, well satisfy hunger.

From dandelion flowers make jam, honey and even wine, the roots are used for the preparation of dishes, most of the leaves are added to salads and soups - they can cook soup, borscht, etc. All parts of the plant are considered very useful for the quantity of vitamins and minerals exceed many vegetables dandelion - it vitamins A, B, C, P, etc., and trace elements - phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, protein substances such as fatty oils, Useful bitterness food, choline, flavonoids, sterols, tannins, and more. Regular consumption of dishes from dandelion reduces the risk of cancer by 75% - the doctors say, moreover, helps cleanse the blood, excretion of very harmful substances mercury and lead. These dishes are easy choleretic and diuretic effect, cleansing - the body is cleansed of toxins toxins, residues of drugs, improve metabolism and the work of pischevaneniya restore microflora, the tone of the gastrointestinal tract. Of course, a dish of dandelions help to cope with beriberi.

To remove the bitterness of dandelion leaves before cooking is recommended to soak in salt water for half an hour. Very young leaves virtually no bitterness, soak them is not necessary.

Try to vary your diet dishes from dandelion - they are not only tasty, but also improve their health by giving the body a lot of vitamins and minerals.

5 original recipes dandelions

picture - 5 The original recipe of dandelions

Before proceeding to the preparation of any dish of dandelions, they, of course, you need to collect. To do this, experts recommend only dry sunny day, when the flowers are rich in pollen collected only need to fully open flower. To keep the pollen collected dandelions container should be put in a dark place - flowers quickly closed, hiding inside the flower pollen useful.

You should not collect dandelions near roads and settlements!

If you need to dandelion root, do not just pull it out of the ground - the root in this case there will be: first you need a little broken into flower.

Recipe for making hash with dandelion

Need: 10 flowers and dandelion leaves 5-6, 2 cups of yogurt / sour milk, 1 tbsp dill, chives, sour cream, salt.

How to cook hodgepodge of dandelions. Leaves when they are young, you can not soak, just chop sticks. Kefir pour into a bowl, add chopped leaves and whole flowers, herbs, sour cream, mix and salt the taste, submit hodgepodge cold.

Dandelion roots are considered a substitute for real coffee, for example, as such, they used the Germans during the two world wars. This coffee invigorates, but does not contain caffeine, it can be mixed with chicory.

Recipe coffee from dandelion roots

Need: dandelion roots (1 mug will need 2-3 large root), boiling water, cream / milk, sugar to taste.

How to make coffee out of dandelions. Slightly undermined, gently pry the dandelion from the ground by the roots. Cut off the root and how to wash, remove all the small koreshochki, peel - skin with dandelion roots coming off easily. Cut the root slices 1-1.5 cm long, put on a dry pan or baking, how to fry until dark brown on the stove or in the oven, stirring occasionally, and avoiding overcooking (because of this, the drink can be a bitter taste ). First, from the roots have to remove excess moisture, then you should see a pleasant smell, and the root - become dark. Grind in a coffee grinder or roots of a mortar, then brewed as organic coffee: pour boiling water, cook until the acquisition drink a light brown hue, then strain, pour into a cup, add to taste the cream or milk, if desired, you can also add the sugar, cinnamon, chicory.

In France, the dandelion is cultivated as a salad plant, there are some dishes from it are considered a delicacy and cost about 30 euros per serving - to their taste, people make reservations a few weeks. And you can just make any salad this miracle plant yourself at home.

Salad recipe with dandelions, cabbage and apple

You will need: 200 g fresh cabbage, 100 g dandelion leaves, 2 sour apples, 1 carrot, vegetable oil / cream for refueling.

How to prepare a salad with dandelion. Pour dandelion leaves salt water and leave for 40 minutes, rinse with running water. Cut the leaves, cabbage, apples and carrots julienne, connect, sour cream / oil mix.

Fans can savory pepper salad spicy pepper.

Known in our country recipes for cabbage soup, borscht and other soups of dandelions. Try to cook this soup, it is sure to please everyone.

Cooking recipe consisting of dandelions

picture - 5 The original recipe of dandelions

Need: 500 ml of broth, 100g of dandelion leaves and sorrel, 75 g of potatoes and cream, 50 g of onion and carrot, 25 g of tomato paste, 15 g of vegetable oils, herbs and salt.

How to cook cabbage soup with dandelion. Potatoes cut into cubes and boil in the broth until tender, put the chopped sorrel leaves, blanched and chopped dandelion leaves, boil for 5-7 minutes, salted. Carrots and onions finely chopped, fry gently, adding tomato, put passirovku soup, bring it to a boil. Fill the soup before serving with sour cream and herbs, if desired, you can also add chopped boiled egg.

We also have one of the most popular dishes is the dandelion jam, which can be easily prepared by anyone. Often referred to as honey jam, of course, a difference in the preparation of jams and honey there, but in principle they can be fairly attributed to the same category of dishes. For the preparation of honey or jam Dandelion flowers should be collected at 9-11 o'clock in the morning in a dry warm day.

Recipe for making honey from dandelions

You will need: 1.6 kg of sugar, 500 grams of dandelion flowers, 12 leaves of cherry, 6 cups water 2 lemons.

How to cook honey from dandelions. Flowers are best not to wash - make sure that they do not have insects, connect with grated lemon (zest to rub together) and cherry leaves, stir, pour the water over low heat 10 minutes, stirring continuously boil, remove from heat and infuse in a cool place overnight. Strain liquid through cheesecloth, combine the sugar, stir and put on low heat, bring to a boil and boil for honey at least an hour. Ready honey cool, pour into sterilized jars.

This honey will not only tasty addition to pancakes, pancakes or toast in the morning, but will energize, vitamins and strengthen the body in the winter.

Recipe of the categories: