Interesting dishes from beef and pork liver

→ Interesting dishes from beef and pork liver

picture - Interesting dishes from beef and pork liver

The liver is a by-product, probably the most popular, and the reason for that wonderful taste of dishes that can be cooked, its benefits and ease of preparation. However, not everyone knows that in addition to liver cake and other popular dishes of this product can be prepared a list of interesting and tasty dishes. Such dishes will be discussed.

Beef and pork liver, you can buy in every supermarket, and which is relatively inexpensive, including through such availability this product is extremely popular. Among other reasons for the high demand on the liver, in addition to its great taste, you can select high content of nutrients: it is rich in vitamin C, b group And minerals - phosphorus, iron, selenium, zinc and others, essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 in the overall composition of its very revealing in comparison with many other meat products.

For children and pregnant women liver is a product required for use.

The liver can be cooked a variety of ways: baked, put out, boil, fry, and the number of dishes from it is enormous - it spreads, snacks, salads, stews, goulash, roast, pies and cakes and so on, This product blends perfectly with many vegetables, buckwheat and rice, and even honey, nuts, dried fruits and berries.

One of the reasons why some Housewives do not like liver - its odor and some bitterness. In order to remove them, the liver before cooking for a few hours soaked in milk or marinade, and cook it with the sharp and fragrant spices or sour cream.

One of the main conditions for the preparation of tasty dishes from the liver is, of course, the right choice of this product. It is better to buy fresh, not frozen liver, appearance of which you can easily determine the quality of this product is: it must be free of blemishes, to have a smooth color, with a smooth elastic surface without the dried up places. Fresh liver smells slightly sweet, if it gives an unpleasant sourness is says is not the first freshness.

The most common methods of cooking liver - fry with mushrooms and onions in sour cream or milk, and often from preparing pate, liver salads and cakes. We will bring recipes from the liver, which are less popular but no less delicious.

Recipe meatballs from the liver

picture - Interesting dishes from beef and pork liver

You will need: 500 g of liver, 1 onion and egg, 2-3 tbsp. flour, vegetable oil, pepper, salt.

How to cook burgers from the liver. Liver to prepare, if it's beef liver is to remove the film, then large chunks chop with onions and mince. To refill liver beef with pepper and salt, beat the egg and stir until smooth, add the flour, knead again stuffing. Put the minced meat in a pan with heated oil with a spoon and with the two sides to fry patties until Golden brown and tender.

Such simple and does not require a long cooking time patties will be able to make any novice cook, not to mention experienced. Fans of the liver they especially will appreciate, if you send them with sour cream. There are other ways to cook liver cutlets, for example, beef liver, you can prepare these "pancakes".

The recipe for pancakes from the liver

You will need: 1 kg of liver, 200 g of wheat bread, 7 tbsp butter, pepper, salt, vegetable oil.

How to cook liver fritters. Rinse the liver, remove her film, if it's beef liver, cut in a meat grinder, add the grated stale bread, butter, pepper and salt, mix minced meat. Sformovat beef round flat cakes on both sides in a pan with hot oil to fry them until Browning and readiness, before serving, pour the butter melted.

Another category of delicious dishes from the liver are all sorts of salads. Very often hepatic salads are prepared in the "heavy" version, adding cooked vegetables and eggs, mayonnaise and other products, if you prepare the salad with the liver wants, but to stress the stomach is not very good, this product can be prepared very light salads.

Recipe cooking light salad with tomatoes and liver

picture - Interesting dishes from beef and pork liver

You will need: 300 g of liver, 100 g of leaves of green salad, 12-15 cherry tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 1-2 pinches of pepper and salt 2-3 tbsp. oil, 1 tbsp. vinegar 6%.

How to make a light salad with the liver. Chopped raw liver medium-sized pieces, put in a pan with heated oil, fry until cooked. Tomatoes cut in half. Stir the oil passed through the press garlic, vinegar, pepper and salt. Lay a plate with lettuce leaves, put them on the liver and tomatoes, pour over cooked garlic sauce.

This light salad without mayonnaise and other heavier products are sure to please all who love liver, but maybe not the biggest fans of this product - spicy sauce and easy salad makes it very appetizing for everyone.

Another simple and delicious salad liver with sauerkraut. To make it, boil 100 g of liver, very thinly her chop and mix with chopped onion or green onions and sauerkraut (100 g liver 300 g cabbage), adding a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Compared with various cutlets, pancakes and salads, even more rare dishes from the liver are the following.

Recipe casserole with liver and meat

You will need: 600 g beef liver, 200-300 g of beef, 100 g fat, 50 g butter, 2 eggs, ? Cup milk, 3 tbsp. bread crumbs, pepper, salt.

How to make a casserole with the liver. Remove from liver tape, remove the bile ducts, using the handle of the knife slightly to hit, put in greased with butter form, top with pepper and salt. Grind in a meat grinder, meat with fat, then stir with a mass of eggs, mixed with breadcrumbs, milk and butter, sunflower. Evenly lay the meat on the liver, the top can be laid peeled tubers of medium size or coarsely chopped carrots. Bake all preheated to medium heat oven until tender, when serving sprinkle fried onions.

This unusual and very tasty dish will be a perfect decoration for daily buffet will surprise loved ones. Another unusual variant of cooking liver even easier and faster.

Recipe liver "fries"

You will need: 300 g of liver, 50 g flour, 2 egg whites, vegetable oil for deep-frying, salt and pepper.

How to cook liver fries. Scald the liver with boiling water, remove foil, cut into cubes, add salt and pepper, leave it to a little promarinovalsya. Roll each piece in flour, then dip in beaten whites and again roll in flour, then deep-fry until Golden brown.

Such an interesting dish from the liver will delight both children and adults. If you still want something more traditional, familiar, from the liver can be cooked a delicious stew with wine.

Recipe liver stew with wine

picture - Interesting dishes from beef and pork liver

You will need: 450 g pork liver, 100 ml cream 100 ml milk, 4 onions, 1 clove of garlic, 3 tbsp. of white table wine, flour and tomato puree, red pepper, black pepper, vegetable oil, salt.

How to cook stew with liver. Wash the liver and small to cut, fill with cold milk for about 30 minutes to leave. Finely chop the onion, fry in a pan with butter, then add the liver slices, roll them in flour, fry for 10 minutes, then the liver remove from the pan. Put in a pan St.l. flour, stir, pour sour cream mixed with tomato juice, add the garlic, passed through the press, pepper, salt, add ground pepper, stir, pour in the wine and 50 ml of water and stir again. Bring mixture to a boil, put the liver, boil everything and turn the heat off. Served goulash liver with a side dish of macaroni and cheese and parsley.

This delicious dish is sure to be appreciated by all lovers of goulash and liver.

From the liver, you can do a lot of interesting dishes, if you want, and the simplicity of their preparation makes them affordable even for inexperienced cooks, giving way to surprise family and friends.

Recipe of the categories: