Vegetable marinade "Autumn"

→ Vegetable marinade "Autumn"

picture - Vegetable marinade "Autumn"

For 10 cans for? l:

2.2 kg pickles

1.1 kg pickled green tomatoes

800 ml 6% vinegar

600 g Pickled vegetables and pepper

400 g onions

250 g sugar

5 g cinnamon

2 g allspice

2 g Clove

Preparing vegetable marinade from the "ugly" pickled vegetables.

Soak cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers in cold water for 3-4 hours to dry off, cut into pieces of half a centimeter thick.

Finely chop the onion, put the rest of vegetables into a bowl or enamel pot, add salt to taste, bring to a boil stirring constantly, remove from heat.

Spices crushed into powder, add to the vegetables, pour the marinade, cooked at the rate of 1 liter of water 1 tbsp salt.

Hot package them well blended vegetable mixture heated to banks.

Further vegetable marinade "Autumn" in banks covered with the cap, heated at a temperature of 75-80 degrees in the water for about 25 minutes, capped lids.

Recipe of the categories: