Cake "Zebra"

→ Cake "Zebra"

picture - Cake "Zebra"


4 pcs. egg

460 g sugar dough and glaze - and 230 g

250 g sour cream

200 g margarine

320 g wheat flour
some flour to choose? we'll show

2/3 h. l. soda

Cocoa powder - to taste

130 g milk

7-8 vanillin - drops

1 h. l. butter

Eggs rubbed with sugar until white, add sour cream, softened margarine, whisk well and pour flour mixed with baking soda. Quickly mix the dough and divide it into two parts, one of which cocoa powder is added to produce the desired color.

In a greased form alternately spread spoon brown and white dough. Bake at 220 � C for about 30 minutes.

To glaze milk bring to a boil, add sugar, vanilla and boil diluted so that the drop of syrup dropped into a glass of cold water, sink to the bottom in the form of cakes. In a lot of hot add the butter and stir well.

Ready cake spread from the mold, cooled and glazed surface and the edges of the cake, the icing evenly distributing knife. Part of the glaze can be combined with cocoa powder and used to apply ornament.

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