Compote of chokeberry

→ Compote of chokeberry

picture - Compote of chokeberry

Chokeberry - berry is not the most popular, but those who ever try it and various bars of it - preserves, jams, compotes, know that this is a very special berry with a unique sweet taste and pleasant aroma memorable. How to prepare compote of chokeberry we describe in this recipe.

Second name chokeberry - Aronia, but the people it is still often referred to simply as "chernoplodki." In appearance it is a small tree or shrub of about 1.5 m wide tall with black berries. From it make wine, jams, teas and, of course, compotes, which will be discussed in this recipe.

Aron and used in medical practice: for this autumn berries harvested and dried. And all because it is a real storehouse of vitamins and medicinal substances: sucrose, glucose, fructose - several kinds of sugar, tannin and pectin, to help with minerals such as iron, fluorine, boron, molybdenum, manganese and copper increases immunity and stabilize blood pressure. Also in the aronia berry vitamins B1, B2, B6, P, K, C. It is recommended to eat to lower cholesterol in the blood, strengthen blood vessels, improve the endocrine system, to improve blood formation and as a choleretic agent. In addition, the range of its useful properties can continue diuretic, antispasmodic, hemostatics, appetizing effect. This berry is opposed to the appearance of blood clots in the blood vessels, fights with radiation sickness, increases the acidity, improves digestion - the list goes on, because the useful properties of chokeberry really very much that sets it apart from other berries, though popular strawberries and raspberries leave it behind.

Taste berries chokeberry sweet, slightly tart, especially if they have not matured yet. Any blank therefrom obtained very fragrant and delicious, and certainly very useful.

Recipe for cooking compote of chokeberry

picture - Compote of chokeberry

Need: for sugar syrup per 1 liter of water 500g sugar, chokeberry.

How to cook a simple compote chernoplodki. Berries are clear of all superfluous, rinse and dry. Put in sterilized jars berries on a third of its volume, no more. Pour the boiling water to the berries and leave for 3 min, drain it. For the sugar syrup to bring the water to a boil, add sugar, stir and boil for 5-10min, pour the syrup to the berries in the banks. Banks roll covers, turn upside down, wrap a warm blanket when completely cool before storing it in a cool place. Drink compote can be a month.

This compote chokeberry is preparing a simplified manner, similar to a bird cherry compote. Its taste is not too sweet, slightly tart, reminiscent of bird cherry compote.

Videoretsept compote of chokeberry

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