Jam tart - recipes

→ Jam tart - recipes

picture - Jam tart - recipes

One of the most popular types of pies has always been jam tart - these pies are cooked in a variety of variations on holidays and just because.�

If a bread, a cake, which, essentially, is a bread with a stuffing - value unconditional. It is not surprising that historians have found trace "pie" in the drawings on the walls of the tomb of Ramses II. All over the world to this miracle of culinary art are treated with special reverence. It is known that in Russia, no celebration without them, rosy, fragrant, baked (baked) or voltage (fried in butter).

Hence, the feast and cake - two meanings, and often from each other cannot be separated. It then appeared invitation cards, and they carried out this role cakes, they were so many, many people planned to call. Procession father and mother as a sign of special respect was brought sweet "invitation" - this role, precisely, perfectly played any jam tart, in which the excess was present in every home and was a favorite dish of sweets. The next day after the wedding, the newly-made wife had to treat the guests with their cake, and its internal and external content judged thrift young wife. Indeed, it has long been known that the Russian red hut not angles, and pies. Therefore, in Russia the process of making this baking, a symbol of Domenicali and comfort - began to introduce girls of 14-15 years. Was hard science to fill your hand in the preparation of the most different pies: yeast, pastry, fresh, open, closed, large and small, round and square, with meat, fish, egg, mushrooms and berries, vegetables, cereals, cheese... was Ambiguous selection and heat treatment - pies baked, roasted and even stewed. Some Housewives have put them in a coin or button of "happiness".
Yes, over the years, such great popularity Housewives all over the world plenty experimented on the toppings. No wonder there is a saying: "all In a pie wrap". We will focus on the sweet component.
The beginning of summer in the midst of a jam, but not in a hurry to get rid of last year's reserves just to release the container. Real sweet blanks you can find a good use. Modern Housewives love jam tarts for the ease of preparation, budget and excellent taste.

The recipe of the cake with cherry jam

picture - Jam tart - recipes
a half Cup of good cherry jam;
1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice.
For the basics:
unsalted butter - 200 g
sugar - half Cup
egg - 1 (plus 1 yolk)
flour - 2 cups
vanilla, zest of one lemon, a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, a pinch of ground cloves.
The oven heat to 200 degrees. Prepare the filling: mix the jam with the lemon juice until smooth.

Tip: flour for the dough sift twice, so it is saturated with oxygen and the dough becomes air. When kneading dough, all products must be warm - this will help to reduce the rise time.

Cream butter and sugar mix with a mixer on medium speed. Add the whole egg, then the vanilla. Mix all the dry ingredients: the flour is simple and almond, lemon zest, cinnamon and cloves. The dry mixture gradually spread to the oil and mix on the lowest speed. If a baby is poorly connected, you can add a spoonful of water. When you are connected to separate two thirds of the dough, wrap in plastic wrap and put in refrigerator. Similarly, to deal with the remaining third of the dough. The dough must be cooled at least half an hour. Prepare the baking of the cake. Grease it with oil on the bottom lay the oiled baking paper.
The larger piece of dough to put between two sheets of parchment and roll out to size of the baking form, so you can close the knob fully. From paper to turn the batter into the pan, remove the top sheet and flatten along the perimeter of the bottom. Then press the dough to the side, remove excess with a knife. Now to spread the jam over the surface. Roll out the remaining third of the dough in sheets of parchment and cut the ribbon. To make a lattice on the surface of the jam. Beat the yolk with a spoon of water and brush to coat the surface and edges of the pie.

Tip: if the form on a separate baking sheet sprinkle salt, pie will never burn. If the top of the cake starts to burn, it is possible to cover Promyshlenny parchment.

Bake about half an hour, until the crust is Golden, and the jam will cease to boil. Allow to cool completely, then remove from the mold.

Recipe sweet cake with jam

picture - Jam tart - recipes
yeast dough (or butter) - 700 g;
jam or jam - 1 Cup;
starch - 1 tbsp;
1 egg for lubrication
The dough is divided into more and smaller pieces. A large part of the roll out, grease the pan with oil, put in the pan with the dough, flatten, leaving the dough on the edges, for the casts. To put the dough jam (or jam), mixed with starch. Of the remaining dough to dazzle jewelry and put on the jam. Edge wrap and sculpt the dough to coat with beaten egg.

Tip: when laying the pie on a baking sheet or in a form around it left an empty place - so the cake will better be baked, it will be a place for the "shoot".

Bake pie in preheated oven to 180 degrees for about 30-40 minutes.

Tip: ready hot pie is not cut, allow it to cool. In the extreme case, the knife is heated in boiling water, wipe and cut a sharp, fast movements to the cake hesitated.

The recipe of the cake with peach jam on the mayonnaise

picture - Jam tart - recipes
egg - 3 pieces
sugar 14 tablespoons of
mayonnaise - 250-gram pack
flour 14 tablespoons of
vanilla sugar - 1 packet
not hydrated soda - 1 Teaspoon
filling - any jam
To the resulting mixture add the mayonnaise and continue to beat. In the dough, pour a teaspoon of baking soda and flour. Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer. Shake thoroughly and pour the vanilla sugar.
Thick pour the batter into a greased warm form. Send in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Bake pie for about 25-35 minutes depending on the size of the form, as well as on the characteristics of the oven.
To check the availability of the test, you can use wooden sticks.

Tip: the willingness of the pie check easily by pressing a clean finger on the surface, if the hole is immediately recovered - pie is ready

Remove from the oven and let cool slightly.
Cut into 2 pieces of cake, first smeared filling. In our recipe is peach jam. Cover the top layer of dough and decorate.

Videoretsept cake with jam

Recipe of the categories: