Birthday cake

→ Birthday cake

picture - Birthday cake

4 eggs

1 glass powdered sugar

250 g wheat flour
some flour to choose? we'll show

200 g melted butter

2 tablespoons breadcrumbs

For the cream:

300 g milk

half a cup of sugar

2 tablespoons of plain flour

1 tablespoon rice or oatmeal

2 eggs

2 egg yolks

0.5 teaspoon vanilla

30 g butter or margarine

For the cream of the oil:

Half a cup of water

half a cup of sugar

5 egg yolks

250 g unsalted butter

2 tablespoons orange liqueur

glass quarter milk

glass quarter of orange liqueur (additionally)

half a cup of raspberry jam

glass raspberry puree quarter

Heat the oven to 190 degrees and grease a baking sheet. Place the eggs and sugar to the mixer and whip at high speed for 10 minutes. The mixture should be pale, frothy and quite thick in consistency. Using a spoon, rub shunt flour and melted butter. Place the mixture on a baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes until the composition hardens and acquires a pale golden color. Remove from the pan-prepare cake, cover with a towel, allow to cool. Knead the dough and place in refrigerator for 2-2.5 hours.

Divide the dough into two parts, each of which roll into a round cake with a diameter of about 25 cm. Korzhi place on baking, pierce with a fork (to prevent swelling). Bake in oven for about 15 minutes to as long as they do not acquire the golden hue. Allow to cool.

Preparation of the cream:

Gently heat the milk in a small pan, without boiling. Mix in a small tank sugar, flour, rice flour, egg and yolk. Add to the egg mixture a little hot milk. In the remaining hot milk pour in the egg mixture.

Heat, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a boil. Add the vanilla and butter. Stir over low heat for 3 minutes. Pour into a small saucepan, cool.

Preparation of a cream oil:

Mix water and sugar in a saucepan. Stir over low heat until until the sugar dissolves. Bring to a boil and simmer until until the mixture becomes forming thread (to check this, you need to dial a teaspoon of the content and try to merge it into the pan. If a thin thread - the syrup is ready).

Beat the egg yolks, constantly filling their syrup, as long as the mixture cools. It should be light and frothy.

Beat the butter, mix with the yolk mixture and syrup, shake well to give thickness and shine. Add liqueur. Next, milk mix and a second liquor portion, then add and mix raspberry puree and jam.

Cake is going well:

Bottom and sides of the pan cover with foil. Lay one of the cakes. Cover it with half the total amount of the cream. Second cut in half along the bottom. Each of the halves impregnate milk liqueur. One half to put in the pan on top of the cream. Drizzle with raspberry mixture. Put on top of the second half. Cover the remaining part of the cream. Put in the refrigerator overnight.

Put the cake on a serving dish. Remove foil. Completely cover cream cake from the oil, leaving little for creating greeting syringe labels. Before the arrival of guests, you can decorate a cake bouquet of fresh flowers.

This cake is an excellent option for honeymooners cake. It can bake two days before the celebration and decorate cream butter and fresh flowers on the wedding day. The cream may be prepared from the oil for several days, and covered with a lid and store in the refrigerator. Preparation time - 2 hours, 15 minutes baking time.

Recipe of the categories: