Cake "Raspberry delight"

→ Cake "Raspberry delight"

picture - Cake "Raspberry delight"

2 eggs

pinch of salt

200 g powdered sugar

3 yolk

225 g raspberry jam

250 g flour
some flour to choose? we'll show

2 tablespoons of starch

Separate the whites from the yolks. Good Beat the whites with the salt, gradually vsyp powdered sugar. Beat the yolks and mix with a whisk to protein mass. Stir 100g jam and mix with the mixture. Mix the flour with the starch, protein foam to sift and stir.

Shots 2 baking paper for baking. Put in a lot of pastry bag and put it on nasty little gorochki at a distance of 2 cm from each other. Rub through a sieve 1 tablespoon of the remaining jam and put it in a bag for freezing. Cut off the area and cause jams speckles on one half of the cookies.

Gorochki to dry in the oven for 60 minutes at a temperature of 50C. Take out and increase the oven temperature to 180 � C. Bake cookies for 5 minutes. Cool and lubricate them with the flat side of the remaining jam. Put together by two biscuits.

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