Courgettes in Ukrainian

→ Courgettes in Ukrainian

picture - Courgettes in Ukrainian


vegetable oil




6 % th vinegar

Fresh zucchini diameter of not more than 5-6 cm brushed wash in cold water, rinsed under running water, and cut the stalk is cut circles thickness not exceeding 2.5 cm. Fried in vegetable oil to a golden color, and spread in a single layer for ohlazhdeniya.Chesnok purified finely cut and triturated in a mortar or on the board. Parsley and dill wash in running water, allow it to drain and chopped green slices 1.5-2 cm in length. At the bottom of a clean, dry jars pour vegetable oil and vinegar, sprinkled salt, add the greens, mashed garlic, and then tightly stacked fried zucchini. Banks filled with 2 cm below the neck, cover them with boiled lacquered lid and set in a pan of water heated to 50-60 � C for sterilization. Sterilization at 100 � C for cans of 0.5 liters - 10 min, 1 l - 15 min. After processing jars hermetically sealed, inverted neck down and ohlazhdayut.Na one bank with a capacity of 1 liter: 2 kg of fresh zucchini, vegetable oil 100-120 g (50-60 g frying zucchini and 50-60 g to add to the bank), garlic 15 g, parsley and dill 7 g, 10-12 g of salt, 6% solution of acetic acid in '60

Recipe of the categories: