How to remove odor and other culinary tricks

→ How to remove odor and other culinary tricks

picture - How to remove odor and other culinary tricksExperienced Housewives always have their culinary tricks, allowing faster and more efficiently to cope with different subtleties of cooking.

We gathered for you a few culinary tricks to cook was even easier and more enjoyable.

The first trick: how to change the percentage of vinegar. For example, for cooking need a stronger vinegar than You have at home. To go to the store in such a situation, not necessarily.

Use the following formula: CT (required prescription concentration of vinegar) : CI (concentration available vinegar) * CR (quantity desired vinegar (ml) = KN (the amount of vinegar in ml, you need to take to match the recipe).

For example, the recipe requires 5 ml of 70% vinegar, and You have only 6%, is obtained: 70:6*5= 58,3 many ml of 6% vinegar you need to take to get the concentration corresponding to the recipe.

Trick two: how easy it is to separate the cake from the bottom of the pan. To do this without any difficulties, simply place the pan with the sponge cake on a wet towel, and the top cover dry and leave on for 15-20 min, then the cake will easily separate from the pan.

Trick three: how to determine whether a fresh egg. The freshness of eggs is not always easy to determine how to do this in the shop or on the market, not to buy stale eggs? Very easy: simply shake the egg - if it is fresh, no sounds at the same time it will not make (the older the egg, the more evaporation of moisture through the porous shell, the air chamber is increased, and the egg becomes easier).

Trick four: how to remove the skin from the pepper. To easily remove the skin from the peppers must first bake on a grill or open fire, then put in a plastic bag, tightly to close it, and leave to cool. When the peppers have cooled, they can be easily remove the skin.

Trick five: how to prolong the freshness of the cheese. The cheese was long kept and remained fresh, it must be kept in closed containers, which also need to put a few pieces of lump sugar.

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