5 Simple everyday recipes rassolnik

→ 5 Simple everyday recipes rassolnik

picture - 5 Simple everyday recipes rassolnik

To make a traditional pickle, you need to find a good offal, that this soup is prepared in the classic version, prepare them correctly, etc. That's why chefs often do not undertake to prepare this soup - too much trouble. In this article we will talk about simple recipes for rassolnik for every day.

Pickle - a soup unconditionally loved by many men, and indeed he has a lot of admirers. Delicious pickle always happy to eat everything, it's not just for centuries in Russian cuisine it is still one of the most popular and favorite soups.

Prepare the pickle can be with different products in meat, fish, vegetarian version, with seafood, mushrooms, chicken, etc. (About cooking classic rassolnik here). We have gathered in this article the most interesting recipes - simple but very tasty pickle, the preparation of which will not cause any trouble.

First recipe: Chicken Pickle

picture - 5 Simple everyday recipes rassolnik

You will need: 500g chicken, potato tuber 4, 4-5 bell peppers, pickled cucumbers 2 medium, 1 onion and carrots, 0.5-1 root parsley and celery, cucumber pickle 0.5 cups, 1-2 tbsp . sunflower oil, bay leaf, parsley, sour cream, salt.

How to cook chicken with pickle. Pieces of chicken on the bones put in a pot, add water, bring to a boil, remove the foam, put pepper, peas and laurel, boil until cooked chicken, then get it, and broth. Julienne cut roots and onion, put in a pan with hot oil, fry for 5 min, put finely diced pickles (pre-clear them from the skin and seeds), pour a little chicken broth, put 5min. Peel and cut the potatoes, put in boiling broth in a saucepan and cook 20 minutes, put the same content here pans, pour the brine, boil the soup for 10 minutes. Cut the chicken pieces in batches, when applying to decompose meat on plates and pour the soup, season with herbs and sour cream.

Pickle is better not to salt - this soup salinity controlled by the amount of brine.

It is believed that the pickle is prepared only with pickles - both sweet and salty taste, and just salty, but pickled, according to many experienced cooks, only spoil the taste of the soup. Well, we get to the recipe was made with mushrooms.

Recipe Two: Pickle with dried mushrooms

You will need: 100g of dried mushrooms, potato tuber 4, 2-3 pickles, 2 onions, 1-2 parsley root and / or celery, 2-3 tablespoons butter, sour cream, parsley, salt.

How to prepare a pickle with mushrooms. Soak the dried mushrooms, then boil until done, get out of the broth and cut into strips. Semicircles chop the onion, julienned - roots, fry them in butter. If you peel cucumbers rude, cut it, remove the seeds, if they are large, cut the flesh into cubes, boil separately with a little water until soft. Cut the potatoes into cubes, put in a boil mushroom broth, boil until half cooked, add the fried onions with vegetables, cucumbers, season with spices, salt the (or adjust the salinity brine cucumber), soup boil until tender. Put the soup sour cream and mushrooms before serving.

If you want to cook mushroom pickle with fresh mushrooms, then pay attention to the following recipe.

Third recipe: Mushroom pickle with pearl barley

Need: pearl barley, mushrooms and fresh, potatoes, onions, carrots, pickles, tomato paste, vegetable oil, brine, cucumber, parsley.

How to cook with pickle barley and fresh mushrooms. Pour barley water, leave overnight, rinse again fill with water and add 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, cook until soft. Slice the mushrooms, put in a pan without oil and simmered when they stand out from the liquid, add chopped onions and carrots, tomato paste, saut. Cut the potatoes into cubes, put it in a pan to Perlovka, boil for 10 minutes, put the contents of the pan - saute mushrooms, add sliced cucumbers, spices, adjust the taste of the soup brine.

Dried mushrooms can be soaked overnight with pearl barley.

Fungal rassolnik classified as vegetarian soups, and if you remove the formulation of butter, sour cream and some other products, you can make a meatless option rassolnik, which will also be very tasty, remember: you can adjust the recipe on the occasion and your taste, removing or adding any -or products. Very flavorful, hearty and delicious pickle obtained with beans, which can also be done in a vegetarian and lean versions, removing from the recipe egg and oil.

Recipe Four: Pickle with beans

picture - 5 Simple everyday recipes rassolnik

You will need: 50g of beans at 5g root celery and parsley, potato tuber 3-4, 1-2 pickles, onion and 1 carrot, 1 egg yolk, on 1st.l. sour cream and butter, bay leaf, black pepper, peas, pickle.

How to cook with beans pickle. To sort and wash the beans, soak it for 6h, drain the water again, cover with cold water, boil until cooked, drain the broth. Cucumber peel, cut into strips, adding to them a little bit of water, simmered them in a frying pan until soft. Finely chop the roots, carrots and onions in butter to brown. In the bean broth to pour water, bring to a boil, add diced potatoes, boil until half, put cucumbers, saute, boil for 10 minutes, add the beans, bay leaf and pour the brine (it should be boiled in advance) for 5 minutes before end of cooking soup, in the finished soup add filling: egg yolk rub with sour cream, stir, add this mixture to the soup. When submitting fill greens.

Well, the last in this collection rassolnik recipe - with fish.

Recipe Five: Pickle with salmon

You will need: 500g salmon or walleye, 100g pearl barley, 30 g of vegetable oil, 2 pickled cucumbers, 1 carrot, onion and parsley root, 1 tablespoon flour and tomato paste, herbs, brine.

How to cook with pickle salmon. To cut the fish into portions pieces, put in a pan, pour 3 liters of water, boil for half an hour, then strain the broth, pulled the fish. To separate fish fillets from the bones. Diced potatoes and chopped onion, grated rub parsley root and carrots. Pre-soaked barley wash, put together with potatoes in broth, boil for 20 minutes. In a frying pan fry in butter roots 5-7min, add flour, stir, pour the tomato, put 2 minutes and add to the soup zazharku. Cucumbers cut into cubes, put in the soup, boil 15min and pepper, put the laurel, adjust the salinity brine, put the fish, boil 5 min and serve the soup with greens.

In many fine Russian cuisine, tasty and healthy dishes, and pickle - undoubtedly one of these wonderful dishes that should not be forgotten. Prepare your home pickle, and they will appreciate all the virtues of this great soup!

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