Ideas interesting meat dishes for the New year: 6 original recipes

→ Ideas interesting meat dishes for the New year: 6 original recipes

picture - Ideas interesting meat dishes for the New year: 6 original recipes

No table is complete without meat dishes during the holidays, and Christmas including. On this holiday, which we used to cook various dishes in abundance, in different families prepare a variety of meat dishes, we in this article will offer some interesting ideas.

Any classic meat good for new year's table - chops, roast beef, ham, meat in French, and so on, Following existing in our country from time immemorial tradition, can be baked goose, duck or chicken whole and beautiful, and delicious! All these dishes are best suited for serving during the dinner, but you can find something more interesting, if you really want to not only feed, but also to impress, amaze those who will come to your holiday.

The easiest, but a great option is to bake the meat with something in the oven in the manner of meat in French (folded meat layers of vegetables or fruits and covering all that cheese). Pork with oranges, beef with prunes and so on - all this you can bake and serve a La carte, will look beautiful and taste familiar and delicious. And festiveness such variants dishes will add the most new year fruit - citrus, using oranges or tangerines, are great to decorate the dish in terms of taste and appearance, and give it a special tone and mood. We today do not consider such options, and focus on the more unusual meats. So the first recipe is almost what we were told, but with a twist.

The first recipe: Pork "Bear paw"

picture - Ideas interesting meat dishes for the New year: 6 original recipes

You will need: 500g potatoes, 300g pork, 100g cheese, 3 eggs and garlic cloves, vegetable oil, spices for meat, salt.

How to cook pork potato coat. Slice the pork so that the pieces was the size of a palm. Repel, RUB with garlic, salt and spices. On a coarse grater grate the peeled potatoes, beat him 2 raw eggs, salt, if desired, add the onion, chop it chop, stir and press the potato mixture. For each portion to take a lot of potatoes, put layer on a flat plate sized piece of meat to put on top of meat, pre-oblakov it in beaten egg, also top layer put the potato mixture to the meat will turn out in the middle of the flanks better too close, as if shaping potato Patty with meat inside. To heat in a pan the oil, neat quick movement to move from the plate so that "paw" not collapsed, fry until taromenane from two sides. Put fried "paws" on a baking sheet, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for 15-20 minutes in a preheated 180 degree oven.

A very hearty dish, a bit unusual and beautiful - it will do great job for the new year table. Well, we will continue. Very popular at various feasts of food in pots, resulting invariably extremely appetizing. So why not do the same thing, only in edible pot from the test?

The second recipe: Roast pork edible pots of dough

picture - Ideas interesting meat dishes for the New year: 6 original recipes

You will need: 300g pulp pork, 100g of margarine, 4 potatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tomato, carrot and onion, 2 - 2.5 cups of flour, 6-St.l. sour cream 4 tbsp mayonnaise, 2 tbsp frozen green beans, 1 tsp. of vodka, Basil, salt.

How to cook roast in the pot from the test. Knead by combining the flour with sour cream (4 tbsp), mayonnaise, melted margarine for baking and vodka, sunflower, gentle dough, it must be elastic. Wrap it in foil, remove half an hour in the cold. Cut pieces of meat and fry it in a pan in hot oil until taromenane, sprinkle with Basil and parsley, salt, pour hot water - it should cover the meat, until half the lid to extinguish. Chop the carrot, onion and garlic. The resulting broth with meat, pour in a container and meat to add oil, pepper, salt, season with spices to taste, add the vegetables and fry for 5-min, add the tomato, cut it, cook for another 5-min. Divide the dough in half, one half, two thirds to pinch off and roll into a circle about 5mm thick, put in a form that is suitable to test've come up with a pot with high sides. At the bottom of the "pot" of dough to put the potatoes, brush with cream, sprinkle with frozen beans, put the fried meat with vegetables from the remaining third of half of the dough to make a "cap", unrolling on the ground in a circle with a hole in the center, put in the meat and sumipntg edge. Coat the dough with milk or egg, pour through the hole in the center of 50-70 ml of broth, bake 1 hour in preheated 180 degree oven for half an hour picking up and made another 50ml of broth, and fire to reduce abs. Leave the pot of dough with warm in shape for 10 minutes after baking, then get and be covered for 10 minutes with a towel. Gently around the circumference to cut the lid with a knife, in this form to apply hot on the Christmas table, sprinkle roast with herbs.

And why in the New year not to refer to the cuisines of other countries and their most delicious dishes? The following recipe is for those who seems to be interested in such an approach.

The third recipe "Beef" with prunes on holiday

picture - Ideas interesting meat dishes for the New year: 6 original recipes

You will need: 700g beef, 300g chicken meat, 200g puff pastry, 2 onions, 1 egg, spices, pepper, salt, prunes.

How to make festive Lula with surprise. Take skewers for kebabs and would wear large prunes. If you are using wooden skewers, they should soak for half an hour in the water. Mix the stuffing, add the chopped onion, beat the egg, add the spices and stir. When the meat in the palm of his hand, to stick round them prunes, giving form Lula. Roll out the dough in a layer 1 mm thick, cut into thin strips and these strips to wrap Lula. Oil the baking pan, sprinkle with water and bake Lula at a temperature of 180 degrees in the oven until taromenane.

Becoming more and more popular meat "bunching" - when the meat is cut and proslejivaetsya different vegetables. This meat is very juicy and tasty.

Recipe four: meat "Accordion"

picture - Ideas interesting meat dishes for the New year: 6 original recipes

You will need: 500g pork loin, 200g cheese, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 tomatoes, pepper, salt, design - greens and potatoes.

How to cook meat accordion. Chop the garlic slices and cheese. Circles chop the tomatoes. A piece of meat out onto a sheet of foil and make an incision without cutting completely to the bottom, at a distance of 1cm, to pieces, RUB with pepper and salt, including in sections, each to invest cheese, garlic and tomato. Wrap the meat in foil, place on baking sheet, bake in the oven 1H, warming up ahead of time up to 180 degrees. Of boiled potatoes to make "mushrooms" by cutting, so that the legs and hat, fry in butter and garnish the meat.

Extremely popular in the holidays all sorts of meat rolls. We will tell you about an unusual and very beautiful version of this roll.

Recipe five: meatloaf wrapped in bacon

picture - Ideas interesting meat dishes for the New year: 6 original recipes

You will need: 500g of bacon or lard with layers of meat, 300g of any meat taste 200g fresh mushrooms, 20g spices, 1 onion, vegetable oil, pepper, salt.

How to cook meatloaf in bacon. Chop frozen fat thin strips of equal length. From strips to weave "cloth" put one layer relative to the second at an angle of 90 degrees and perepleta strips between them. Finely chop the mushrooms and onions, fry until evaporation of the liquid. To take any ground meat molded from it a square, put in the center of the mushrooms and onions, to roll, put the roll on the canvas of bacon and wrap it. You can associate a roll of thread. Bake in a preheated abs the oven 50min.

Well, the last recipe, which we describe as good for new year and Christmas table, because the food is prepared in the form of a beautiful orange wreath.

Recipe six: Meat carrot wreath in "coat"

picture - Ideas interesting meat dishes for the New year: 6 original recipes

You will need: 800g mixed minced meat, 200g of cheese, 4 carrots, 2 eggs and onions, parsley, garlic, vegetable oil, black pepper, coriander, salt, bread crumbs.

How to cook meat "wreath". Chop and fry the onions, add, passed through a garlic press, a small cube cut the cheese, chop the greens and all this mixed with the minced meat. Slice the carrots in thin strips along using peelers, put it in a greased detachable form cake pan with a hole in the center so that there were no gaps between the strips. Gently put on the carrot stuffing, cover other strips of carrots so that between them and the bottom, too, there were no gaps. Bake meat "wreath" in a preheated abs the oven for 40min. Serve the dish can both hot and cold.

Suggested recipes hot for the New year simple, but each of them is unusual. Maybe some of them will like you and will stand in good stead! Pleasant preparation for the holiday!

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