Moussaka or what else to cook eggplant in season

→ Moussaka or what else to cook eggplant in season

picture - Moussaka or what else to cook eggplant in season

In the Middle East and the Balkans eggplant is cooked very interesting dish is moussaka. Let's get acquainted with this dish closer and learn the most important intricacies of his delicious cooking.

Eggplant can be prepared and prepare to do it just infinitely, because the recipes of the dishes from this vegetable, there are countless: salads, main dishes, lots of blanks, etc. But the most popular dish of this vegetable in the world is undoubtedly moussaka - today it is prepared in many countries, and each has its own particular features of its preparation.

It is believed that the moussaka was invented at the dawn of Greek cooking - that is more than 3.5 thousand years ago. In written sources first mentioned a very similar dish in the 13th century, called it Maguma, and describes its preparation Arabic cookbook. Thus, when and by whom was invented moussaka is not exactly known.

That hides a simple but unusual name "moussaka"? In now considered a classic - the Greek version, this casserole lined with layers of eggplant, lamb and tomatoes and Bchamel sauce. But the Arabs today mean by this title is a cold salad of eggplant and tomatoes, reminiscent of Italian kaponatu. Romanians, Serbs and Bosnians prepare moussaka often and no eggplant, replacing them with the tomatoes, and in Moldova, more than half of the dishes are vegetables, though it is cold. In General, recipes for moussaka, at least, as many countries on the world map, or even more! Consider recipes that eggplant and does not participate, we will not - still moussaka in its classical sense is prepared exclusively with them.

Recipes for moussaka

picture - Moussaka or what else to cook eggplant in season

To cook moussaka on any of the existing recipes easy, and it always turns out incredibly tasty and delicious, so each cook will be useful to take note of this wonderful dish.

Classic Greek sandwich recipe moussaka, which includes eggplant and olive oil, lamb with tomato and bchamel sauce can be added to potatoes, zucchini, mushrooms and other products.

One of the features of traditional moussaka is that all products should be formed at the same time and stew together for one hour - this is one of the main secrets of healthy cooking techniques classic dishes.

The recipe for traditional Greek moussaka

You will need: 500g eggplant, 250g lamb or beef, 200 g tomatoes, 1 onion, vegetable oil, salt, cinnamon to taste, the sauce 300ml milk, 30 g of flour and butter, 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp. with a mountain of grated cheese, sprinkle - 1-2 tbsp. of bread crumbs, 1 tablespoon of grated cheese.

How to cook a classic moussaka. Cut eggplant mugs, salt, soak, rinse, and then fry in butter until taromenane and softness. Onion cut into half rings, a bit of fry in oil separately from the eggplant, then add chopped or sliced meat, put 20 minutes, then add the tomatoes (peeled and free from seed - only used pulp), cinnamon and salt, put another 20 min, if desired - add the wine. Ready to put the eggplant in a colander, lightly crush to come out excess oil. In a separate pan over high heat ignited until Golden brown flour, reduce the heat, put the butter, stirring gradually pour the milk, increase the heat, stirring constantly, bring the mixture until thick, remove from heat, a yolk, cheese, stir. In the tank for moussaka, greased with butter, put half of the eggplant, then the meat with all ingredients with which it is roasted, the remaining eggplant, pour the prepared sauce, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and cheese, remove preheated to medium heat the oven and bake for one hour or until taromenane the top layer.

If you want to apply the classic moussaka in accordance with the Greek canons, then serve it with feta cheese, lettuce and krupnozernovaya bread and a glass of red wine.

Serve moussaka in the same capacity in which it was baked, or in clay pots, as they do in Cyprus and island Greece.

A recipe for moussaka in Cyprus

You will need: 1 kg eggplant, any 500g minced meat, potato tuber 2 large tomatoes, 1/3 Cup of sunflower oil ? glasses of red wine, 1 tsp. salt,? tsp. dried oregano, ground black pepper, cinnamon, Bechamel - 1l boiled milk, 2 eggs, 4 tbsp. flour and butter, pepper, salt, sprinkle grated cheese.

How to make moussaka in Cyprus. Cut the potatoes into thick circles, large circles, onions, tomatoes RUB on a grater, eggplant, cut into circles or cubes, fry the eggplant with potatoes in hot oil until taromenane, put on a paper towel. Separately, fry the onion in butter until soft, add the minced meat, fry, add the tomatoes, spices, seasonings, pour the wine, salt and simmer 25 minutes until all liquid is absorbed. For the bchamel, melt the butter, add the flour, gradually pour in the milk, pepper and salt, bring to boil, remove from heat, stir for another 1-2 minutes, continuing to interfere to drive eggs. Take a square shape, layers, put the potatoes, eggplant, minced meat, repeat layers, top with sauce, sprinkle with cheese, bake in a preheated medium temperature oven for 50min or until taromenane.

Interestingly, their national dish moussaka many countries, for example, in Spain it is also cooked in its own way.

The moussaka recipe in Spanish

picture - Moussaka or what else to cook eggplant in season

You will need: 300g beef fillet, 200g of eggplant, potatoes and tomatoes, 30g of flour and butter, 1 Cup milk, nutmeg, pepper, salt.

How to make moussaka in Spanish. Circles cut the potatoes and eggplant, put in a pan, add up to half the height of the vegetables in salted water, until tender put out. Grind in a meat grinder, add the tomatoes cut into circles and fry in butter, add water, 15-20min to put out up to boiling water and cooked meat. Lubricate the form of oil, layers, put the minced meat and eggplant with potatoes, drizzle the top with sauce (butter is melted, add the flour, 10 min boil, pour half of the milk, continue cooking for another few minutes, pour in the remaining milk, pepper, salt, season with nutmeg and another 10 minutes to extinguish). Bake the moussaka in a preheated medium temperature oven for 10 minutes

In Moldavian cuisine traditional moussaka is made with cabbage and zucchini.

The moussaka recipe with cabbage and zucchini in Moldovan

You will need: 500g lamb, 5 black peppercorns, 4 onions and Bay leaves, 2 eggplant and tomatoes, 1.5 cups of sour cream, 1 clove of garlic and zucchini, ? cabbage, 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil, 1 tsp. dill and parsley.

How to make a Moldovan moussaka. Circles cut all vegetables except cabbage to slice thin strips. In greased with butter a shallow wide pan put the first layer of eggplant, then onions, tomatoes, zucchini (all vegetables - half), cabbage, meat, repeat layers. Pour ingredients spices every 2-3 coats. Fill the dish with sour cream and butter, remove in preheated oven and bake for one hour.

Try to cook this delicious dish and all Pets will be happy for such a wonderful lunch or dinner, especially

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