Cream traditional recipes

→ Cream traditional recipes

picture - Cream traditional recipes
Cream soup - traditional European dishes, which is only now began to gain popularity in our country. Most often, this soup is associated with proper nutrition and is considered a non-caloric meal. This is a good option for lunch or a light dinner. But other than that, cream soup - delicious and very tasty dish worthy of the highest cuisine!

To avoid confusion we place all at once point: what is the difference between soup puree and cream soup. It is believed that this is the same thing, but this is not true. At the heart of the soup puree - meat or vegetable broth, to which is added the other ingredients, boiled to a pulp. That soup you eat more often (or eaten) in canteens. But the foundation cream soup - milk or cream, which gives the soup a special tenderness. In this framework already added vegetables, passed through a blender. Note that in the modern interpretations of cream base may not be, in this case the soup becomes very diet.

Soup kitchen is present in virtually all countries of the world. But the soup - it is a European kitchen, so classic recipes must be sought in Europe. Ingredients and methods of cooking cream soup vary by region. In a country with access to the sea you will definitely offer seafood soup. In a country where the development of farms, is sure to be a cream-cheese soup or pumpkin. Popular in Europe cream soups fish, mushrooms, chicken, turkey, etc. Recipes are so many and they are all worthy of you to try to prepare them in your kitchen.

Today soup is experiencing a new wave of popularity. This dish is served in almost every Russian cafe. It is very easy, delicious, diet and quite easy to prepare soup. That this is the main secret of popularity. And it is strange that the soup has not served in every home! After all, his cooking is very easy and does not even have to worry about the broth - whether he had received sufficiently transparent and nourishing. And do not look for any special foods, soup made from the same ingredients as regular soups.

Soup served in soup plates or cups. It can decorate a strip of cream roses. The dish is usually served fried croutons, which throw into the soup.

Preparation of cream soup can be described in two sentences: the ingredients are fried or boiled, and then whipped blender. Thereafter, thereto is added a creamy foundation and possibly broth.

Yes, for the preparation of cream soup is desirable to have a blender. With him you will prepare soups once or twice faster than a fast food restaurant. But if this is not, then it is permissible to skip ready ingredients through a sieve or through a meat grinder.

So all the doubters in their culinary abilities drop their doubts! All our editors assures you that no one has ever left here with the unfortunate cream soup! Prepare the ingredients and go!

Creamy mushroom cream soup with croutons

picture - Cream traditional recipes
You will need: 500 grams mushrooms, 1 onion, chicken broth, 200 ml of 10% -protsentnyh cream, bread.

Mushrooms and onions cut. Fry for 10-12 minutes until until mushrooms are soft (in the process of cooking mushrooms give the water that will need to be drained). Fried mushrooms and onion in a blender load, gradually add the chicken broth and cream.
Cuhariki do: cut bread into cubes, put in the microwave for 2 minutes.
Everything is ready - ready to be served!

Tomato cream soup with croutons

picture - Cream traditional recipes
You will need: 600 grams of tomatoes, 3 cloves garlic, 1 onion, salt, sugar, pepper, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon vinegar, 2 pieces of ciabatta, 1 teaspoon pesto, 1 hour. teaspoon basil.

Tomatoes from the skin clean and cut into large cubes. Chopped garlic and fry the onions in olive oil, add tomatoes and stew until tender, add salt, sugar, pepper and whisk in a blender until smooth. Pick ciabatta large pieces, roll in pesto sauce and fry to a crispy golden.
Boil water, add vinegar, make a funnel and pour the egg there to cook poached egg.
Pour tomato soup in a bowl, put in the center of poached egg, sprinkle with chopped leek and basil, put on the edges of the toast and garnish with basil leaves, sprinkle the dish with olive oil.

Video recipe of cream soup with mushrooms

How to choose a meat grinder. We will tell.

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