Meals during Lent: Lenten soups
After carnival party begin Great Lent - the long and rigorous of all posts. What should you limit yourself that you can eat and what is not?
The observance of Lent in the Christian world shall, for the forty days of lent Jesus Christ, who went into the wilderness after His baptism. It is believed that fasting allows not only to banish from the soul of an evil spirit." Today nutritionists are of the opinion that Lent, if we consider it as a system of power, much safer, healthier and more useful than many well-known diets and food systems:
- Except animal fats and temporary transition only vegetarian food allows you to excrete excess cholesterol, toxins and carcinogens
- During fasting the body "restarts" in the winter and summer we digest food differently, and Fasting allows the body without harm for health go from winter to summer mode
- The mucosa of the stomach is updated by reducing the load on the digestive tract due to the restriction of food intake, the body cleans itself
First after carnival fasting week or the First week is a very strict observance of fasting. From food are excluded not only meat, but also egg, fish, dairy dishes. According to the monastic charters also in this week not to eat and vegetable oil (strict fast), but modern secular people are not always able to strictly adhere to all these principles. It is very important to understand that between people who work in demanding physical or mental effort work, and people, completely renounced the worldly life, there is a huge difference. Zealous Fasting ("zeal not according to knowledge") is fraught with serious consequences for the organism, it needs to be realized. Before you start fasting, you should consult with your doctor when fasting the body in the presence of certain diseases can undergo irreversible changes. Contraindications include diseases such as gastritis, diabetes, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
It should also be noted that pregnant and nursing women should not fast, as children who underwent surgery people.
In this article we will talk about lean first dishes that you can eat during Lent. Below are the recipes of the most common dishes containing the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals.
Recipes meatless entrees
Recipe of vegetable soup with mushrooms
You will need: 300 g sauerkraut, 250 g fresh mushrooms, 5-7 peas of black pepper, 1 carrot and onion, 2 tbsp. tomato paste, Bay leaf, parsley, pepper, salt.
How to cook vegetable soup. Cut the potatoes into strips or cubes, peel and finely chop onion, carrot peel, on a coarse grater grate, julienne, slice the mushrooms. Pour into a saucepan, 2.5-3 litres of water, bring to a boil, add salt, put the potatoes, once again, to bring all to a boil, reduce heat to low heat to cook the potatoes for 10-15 minutes. Onions passionate in a pan with butter or put out 3-5 minutes, adding water, add carrots, salt, extinguish, remove from the pan. In the same pan put the mushrooms, put them in water or fry, adding some salt and pepper, then put the carrots and onions, put in a pan with the cabbage, put the Bay leaf and peppercorn, to extinguish or to fry, add a little potato broth, cook until tender cabbage, add the onion, carrot and mushrooms, stir, put another 2-3 minutes to Put the vegetables in the pan, if desired, you can add tomato, sliced, to bring all to a boil and 5 min to boil. Add to the pan with finely chopped parsley, pepper and salt to taste, turn off the stove and cover the pan with a lid, give the soup to infuse before serving.
Recipe for vegetable soup with beans
You will need: 100 g white beans, 2 liters of cold water, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tomatoes (or 1 tbsp tomato paste), 2 potatoes, 1 beet, 1 pepper, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. oil, 1 tsp. paprika, ? beam greens, black pepper, salt.
How to cook vegetable soup with beans. Pre-soak the beans, then drain and boil until soft, Bay new water, put the sliced potatoes. Heat the pan with oil, fry (or put out on the water), worn on a coarse grater beets, then add it to the pan. Carrot RUB on a large grater, finely chop the onion, fry together (or put out) in a pan, in the end, add the chopped peppers. Pour the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin and grind them in a blender, add tomato paste to the vegetables zazharkoy, put all together, and then this mixture and add to the soup. Slice the cabbage thinly, put in the soup after 5-7 min after laying the contents, bring to a boil, immediately remove from the stove, add, passed through a garlic press, add salt and pepper to taste, season with parsley and paprika, cover the lid and let the soup to infuse before serving.
Recipe for vegetable soup with mushrooms
You will need: 2-3 pickled/pickled cucumber, 1-2 tomatoes, 1 tbsp capers, 1 tbsp. flour with a slide, 1-2 big handfuls of black olives, sweet pepper, Bay leaf, parsley, olive oil, lemon.
How to cook vegetable soup with mushrooms. The onion put out on the water or fry in a pan with oil, add the chopped cucumbers and 5 minutes to extinguish, to put all in a saucepan of boiling water (1.5 l), also put the Bay leaf and allspice. Tomato peel, mash and add to the soup. Flour a little salt, pour the olive oil (1 tbsp) and add as much water from the soup, so that the dough is not tech - so it can be build with the help of a spoon. Add to the soup capers and olives. The dough dial with a spoon and put into the boiling soup, turn off the stove when the gnocchi float, cover and let stand 5 minutes Before serving, put into bowls of soup lemon slices and sprinkle with soup greens.
Recipe vegetable pickle with pearl barley
You will need: 2-2,5 liters of water, 4-5 potatoes, 4-5 peppers-peas, 2 pickles, 1 Bay leaf, 1 onion, 1 carrot, ? Cup of cucumber brine, ?-1/3 Cup pearl barley.
How to cook vegetable pickle with barley. Rinse barley, pour boiling water and half an hour to leave. Pour into a saucepan, 2-2,5 liters of water, put the swollen barley (without water) until tender cook over low heat, then add some finely diced potatoes, Bay leaf, peppercorns, salt lightly, because it will be added to the brine and cucumbers. Finely chop the onion, on a coarse grater grate the carrots, oil to fry them or put out on the water. Having cleared from the skin or not cleansing - to taste, chopped cucumbers polukrugom, add together with the seasoning of onions and carrots in the soup for 10 minutes until it is ready. Brine pour in the soup at the very end of cooking.
Recipe vegetable pea soup
You will need: 1.5 liters of water, 1 Cup peas, 1 onion, 1 carrot, ? root parsley, 1/8 celery, 2 tbsp vegetable oil, dill, coriander, salt.
How to cook vegetable soup. The pre-soak peas in cold water for several hours. Chop the parsley root and celery sticks, put together with the soaked peas in a saucepan of water to the soup, bring to boil, reduce heat to minimum, boil until tender peas. Carrot and onion peel, finely chop and passionate in butter or cooking water, put in the soup is almost ready, about 5 min boil, then remove the soup from the stove and allow it to cool slightly, grind using a blender to puree, pour into the pan, salt and bring to a boil, remove from the stove. Before serving, season the soup with the chopped herbs and ground coriander. In exactly the same way you can prepare the soup of beans.
Recipe of the soup peppers
You will need: 2 potatoes, 1 liter of vegetable broth, 4 sweet green pepper 1 sweet yellow pepper, 1 onion, 1 red pepper, 1 sprig Basil 1 pinch paprika 4 tbsp. vegetable oil, salt.
How to make soup from sweet pepper. Pre-heat the oven to 100 degrees, wash green peppers, put on a baking tray and sprinkle with half of the butter, bake in the oven 20 minutes before darkening of the skin, put the peppers in a bowl, cover and 10-15 min to leave, remove the skin, cut out the seeds, arbitrarily chop the peppers. Peel the onion and the potatoes, cut them in half rings and cubes, respectively, in a saucepan, heat 1 tbsp. of oil, passionate onion for 4 minutes, then pour in the broth and bring everything to a boil, add potatoes, 20 min boil. Put the peppers in the soup, remove it from the stove, slightly cool, using a blender to grind the ingredients into a puree, salt, again bring to a boil, close the lid and remove the soup from the stove. Rinse red and yellow peppers, cut into half rings, removing the seeds and stem, in a skillet heat remaining 1 tablespoon oil over moderate heat, fry the peppers 4 minutes Rinse Basil, dry it, disassemble leaves, put to roasting the peppers and fry 1 min. Pour the soup into bowls, put on top of roasted peppers with Basil.
![]() Meals during Lent. Vegetable salads | ![]() Meals during Lent. Main dishes |