Food of haddock

→ Food of haddock

picture - Food of haddock

Haddock is one of the most common types of fish, it often serves a variety of dishes. We will discuss variants of the most delicious and healthy dishes from this wonderful fish.

Haddock - fish budget, you can buy it in almost any supermarket, but it is very tasty and healthy. Interestingly, the amount of protein it takes the second place among Atlantic fish after Pollock. Among the useful substances contained in this fish - polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, selenium, a lot of it, and b vitamins B3, B6, B12.

Haddock big fish, it can reach up to 20kg of weight and up to 1 meter in length. It is non-greasy fish, like all cod.

Order any dish from haddock turned out delicious and, of course, you need to choose:

  • Fresh haddock pleasant smells of the sea;
  • The eyes of the fish should not be turbid;
  • The color of the gills should not be dark brown;
  • The edges of the fish should not be dry, and fillets should be white, not yellow.

It is better to buy fresh haddock, but also from frozen fish can cook a lot of delicious dishes.

To store fresh haddock in the refrigerator can not more than 2 days on the bottom shelf.

What dishes can be made from haddock

picture - Food of haddock

Haddock can bake, including in foil, roast, boil, but the best way is steaming, which, as you know, allows you to retain the maximum nutrients that are destroyed during frying and long heat treatment. As for specific dishes, their is a huge number: it can cook pickle, soup, fish soup, make a casserole, meatballs, stew, barbecue and even stuffing for ravioli!

Very tasty option is to stuff haddock and bake it in the oven.

Recipe stuffed haddock baked in the oven

You will need: 1.5 kg haddock, 750 g potatoes, 350 ml of dry white wine, 200 g chanterelles, 25 g butter, 5 strips of bacon sliced, 4 slices of bread for toasting, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 bunch parsley, 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 tsp. rosemary, lemon juice, 1 tsp. of powder, paprika, pepper.

How to cook stuffed haddock. Wash in salted water boil the potatoes for 10 minutes, cool, clear, thin plastics slice, put a layer on a greased baking sheet, pepper, salt and sprinkle with rosemary, add pieces of butter, pour over the wine. Rinse the fish, Pat dry, RUB inside and out with salt, drizzle with lemon juice. The garlic put through a press. Cut off the crusts of the bread cubes cut into the flesh, until Golden brown fry. Cut off the lower part of the legs mushrooms, saut them with garlic, pepper and salt. Combine the garlic with mushrooms, croutons, stuffing the fish with a toothpick to stab incision, wrap the fish in bacon, put in the potatoes and bake for about 45 minutes on the middle level of a preheated 200 degree oven.

This fish can be fed to a festive meal is homemade and you'll be pleasantly surprised!

Simpler and faster option is to make haddock fillet burgers.

The recipe of preparation of haddock

picture - Food of haddock

You will need: 500 g fillet of haddock, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 onion and egg, dill, vegetable oil, flour, pepper, salt.

How to cook haddock burgers. Cut the fillets through the grinder a few times to do the same with bacon and onions, combine, beat the egg, stir, pepper and salt. Molded wet hands meatballs, roll them in flour, put in a pan with heated oil and fry until Golden brown.

It's so fast and very easy to cook delicious fish cakes. To make cutlets more refined taste can, fillet marinated in lemon juice or soy sauce before twisting.

Another great everyday food of haddock - baked haddock with vegetables.

Recipe haddock stew with vegetables

You will need: 1 kg haddock, 2 leaves of sage, 1 eggplant, onion, clove of garlic, a sprig of thyme, lemon, zucchini, string bean, sweet green and red pepper, 0.5 cups of beef broth, allspice, and salt.

How to make fish stew with haddock. Cut eggplant circles, heavily salt, cover with water, after 10 minutes rinse with water. Julienne cut the bell pepper, diced - onion, finely garlic. Fish, rinse, Pat dry, RUB with salt and sprinkle with lemon juice. Vegetables stir, put in a ceramic bowl, put the fish on the vegetables. Finely chop the sage, sprinkle them and leaves of thyme fish, it can also be sprinkled with spicy dried herbs, pour all the broth, pepper, cover and in a cold oven to deliver. Extinguish all 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 250 degrees.

For making this healthy meals, you can use a double boiler.

The next version of everyday food of haddock - dumplings.

Recipe for pelmeni filling of haddock

You will need: 1 kg fillet of haddock, 200 g onion, 100 g butter, allspice, and salt.

How to make the dumpling bar stuffed haddock. Cut the fillets in the meat with the onions, put in a lot of butter, cut into pieces, add salt and pepper, mix well.

Just a couple of moments and unusual filling for the dumplings are ready, try to cook these dumplings, and all fish fans will appreciate their value. Another option of how you can surprise home - cook with haddock pickle.

Recipe pickle with haddock

You will need: 1.5 l fish broth, 500g haddock, 5 potatoes, 1 onion, pickled cucumber, carrot, ? parsley root, ? Cup pearl barley, 2 tbsp. margarine, 1 tbsp. chopped herbs, 4 tsp. of sour cream, pickle cucumber, spices, salt.

How to make pickle with haddock. Rinse barley, pour boiling water in the ratio of 1 to 3 parts of water, to simmer under the lid to boil. To cut the fish into fillets, discard the gills, and from the head and bones to cook the broth, strain it. Julienne cut the roots and onions in the margarine to passionate. Molokai chop the cucumber, cut peel and remove the seeds, in a small amount of broth in the pan simmered. Bring the broth to a boil, add barley, 20 min cook at a low boil, add sliced fillet of haddock, potato cubes, roots, 10 min boil, add the cucumber, Lavrushka, pepper, pour boiled brine, salt to taste, boil the soup until tender, when applying fill with sour cream and greens.

This fish pickle is also very tasty. Also to the table haddock can be submitted, tagarev it in lemon breadcrumbs.

Recipe crispy haddock in lemon breadcrumbs

picture - Food of haddock

You will need:700 g fillet of haddock, 100 g butter, 75 g fresh bread crumbs 1 small onion, ? lemon (zest and juice) 2 tbsp. chopped parsley, black pepper, salt.

How to cook fried haddock. Half of the butter melt in a pan, 5 minutes and fry the onions, remove from heat, add crumbs, stir, add the parsley and lemon zest, salt and add seasoning to taste. Remove fish skin in half to turn the fish, put in a baking dish, coat with crumbs, and bake 20-25 minutes until Browning in a preheated 190 � C oven. With lemon juice over low heat, melt the remaining butter, pour over them the fish before serving.

This fish can be cooked a lot of delicious and healthy dishes that can be served for everyday and festive table, if you and your family love to fish, the

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