Delicious tomatoes for the winter - 5 recipes

→ Delicious tomatoes for the winter - 5 recipes

picture - Delicious tomatoes for the winter - 5 recipes

In the winter you can make different workpiece, including a little different. If we talk about tomatoes, it can be sweet tomatoes, with grapes, in apple juice, etc. Such variants pieces of tomatoes for the winter and will be discussed in this article.

When our country began to make the blank? On this question no one will give a precise answer - booze and salted vegetables and fruits for the winter, our ancestors since time immemorial, because there was no other way to preserve these foods longer. Now, apparently, no longer need to blanks: all year round in shops selling anything - from simple to exotic products, uncharacteristic for our country. And, nevertheless, the tradition of making preparations for the winter is not sunk into oblivion. And all because it is really a very good way to keep seasonal and therefore natural foods rich in vitamins and having natural taste, what about the store fruits and vegetables, unfortunately, can not be said. Winter jar any blank creates the perfect mood thanks to the flavor of summer and heat, besides it is very convenient - at any time by opening the workpiece can regale close delicious appetizer or salad, without wasting time on cooking. In general, some pluses in canning, especially if it is done correctly, with a focus on a healthy diet - without an abundance of vinegar, salt, etc.

In this article we have collected recipes canning tomatoes, but not simple, but the original, so to speak, delicacies. Making the workpiece on any of them, you will not only rejoice, but pleasant surprise loved ones!

First recipe: tomatoes for the winter in apple juice


1 liter of apple juice
1st.l. salt

Method of preparation:

How to cook the tomatoes for the winter in apple juice. Wash the tomatoes and drop into boiling water for half a minute, then put into sterilized hot jars, pour boiling apple juice, which added salt (1st.l. per 1 liter of juice). Cork sterile jars or lids to roll. Leave to cool at room temperature, and then storing it in a cool place.

Better use of natural pressed apple juice.

Second recipe: Tomato juice in the winter currant

picture - Delicious tomatoes for the winter - 5 recipesIngredients:

1 liter of water
300ml juice of red currants
for 30g tarragon and lemon balm leaves
50g of honey and on salt

Method of preparation:

How to cook delicious tomatoes for the winter. Lower the tomatoes in boiling water for 30 seconds, folded into a sterilized jar capacity 3L, put lemon balm and tarragon. In a saucepan, combine all the marinade ingredients, bring to a boil, pour the marinade into the jar and leave for 10 minutes, then drain out of the jar, making sure that the liquid is not spilled tarragon with Melissa again bring marinade to a boil, pour into jars, leave for 10 minutes and then again to drain out of the jar, bring to a boil, pour into a jar and cover with sterile cork tomatoes or roll.

This technique in preserving called "triple fill."

Third recipe: Sweet tomatoes for the winter with aspirin


200n sugar
100g salt
3 currant leaves
2 peas black pepper, cloves, garlic cloves and aspirin
1 bay leaf

Method of preparation:

How to cook sweet tomatoes for the winter. Slice the garlic slices, put into sterilized jars capacity 3L to the bottom. Put the tomatoes, put aspirin. Brine in a saucepan combine water with sugar, salt, pepper, cloves, bay, black currant leaves and dill, bring to a boil, boil for 1 min, pour the brine into the jar and roll her sterile cover.

Recipe Four: Tomatoes in winter with grapes


10goroshin black pepper
5 sheets currant
4 sheets of cherry
3 cloves of garlic
1 bunch of grapes, sweet and hot pepper
by 1st.l. sugar and salt
tomato red
leaves of horseradish, dill, parsley

Method of preparation:

As canned tomatoes for the winter with grapes. Put all the spices, washed tomatoes and grapes, leaves, herbs in a jar, sprinkle with sugar and salt, pour boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Drain the brine from the jar in a pan, bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes, pour back into the jar, sealed sterile cork lid.

Delicious and unusual tomatoes, cooked this recipe will please the whole family with its original taste and appetizing appearance. If in doubt, try to make one jar a couple of weeks to try what happened, and then to make larger batches of workpieces. Good Luck!

Videoretsept tomatoes for the winter

Recipe of the categories: