Canned snack of peppers and tomatoes

→ Canned snack of peppers and tomatoes

picture - Canned snack of peppers and tomatoes

7,5 kg tomatoes

5 kg sweet pepper

2 kg onions

500 g Apple or gooseberry juice

500 g vegetable oil

200 g parsley

70 g sugar

40 g salt

Cut slices of sweet pepper, fry it in vegetable oil, onion cut into rings, fry until Golden, chop the greens.

Cut into slices tomatoes, salt, add sugar, juice and remaining oil.

When you dissolve salt and sugar, add the herbs, pepper and onion, bring to boil, canning is done immediately after boiling snacks: it is shifted to the banks, then the banks are sterilized for 25 minutes and roll.

Recipe of the categories: