Ajika Apple Kiev

→ Ajika Apple Kiev

picture - Ajika Apple Kiev

400 g tomatoes

2 sweet red pepper

2 carrot medium

2 Apple sour

2 pod pepper

2 sprigs Basil

1 head garlic

3 tbsp. mixture of spices for adzhika

1 tbsp. vegetable oil

1/2 Cup sugar


All wash vegetables to prepare.

Sweet pepper and tomato peel and seeds.

Remove the seed boxes of apples.

Pepper cut lengthwise, remove seeds, garlic and carrots to clean.

All the prepared vegetables cut into small pieces, combine with chopped just arbitrarily apples, put in a pan, turn on high heat, stir and cover, 20 minutes to extinguish, stirring occasionally.

Remove vegetables from heat, add sugar, spices and salt, stir, let cool, then grind using a blender or large sieve.

Basil chop, add in the eggplant with vegetable oil, then adjika Apple Kiev again stirred and then placed in sterilized banks.

Recipe of the categories: