Stuffed with smoked brisket and meat

→ Stuffed with smoked brisket and meat

picture - Stuffed with smoked brisket and meat


800 g pork

6 kg cabbage

4 PCs onions

100 g figure

100 g tomato paste

2 g red pepper (ground)

300 ml sour cream

4 g pepper

2 g savory

250 g lard

300 g smoked brisket

10 PCs tomatoes

1.5 l meat broth or water

2 PCs Bay leaf

50 g salt

Fresh cabbage should be blanched in boiling water for 5 minutes, repeating the operation several times until the leaves will become elastic and easily removed from the head.

Vegetables peel, chop, propessional in pork fat, mix with ground meat and well washed millet, add salt and pepper. Wrap the meat in cabbage leaves, tightly folding the sheets.

Serve with a slice of boiled brisket and sour cream in the gravy boat. Note. Cabbage rolls can be acidified with lemon juice or decoction of green grapes.

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