Stuffed peppers is easy and delicious

→ Stuffed peppers is easy and delicious

picture - Stuffed peppers is easy and delicious

One of the very common and popular dishes of Russian cuisine is stuffed peppers. It's delicious, simple and very appetizing, so fans of this dish very much. Let's talk about how you can prepare stuffed peppers, what a classic and unusual recipes of this dish exist today.

Compared with the same tomatoes, zucchini and other vegetables, suitable for stuffing, pepper wins thanks to its remarkable shape, ideal, and if designed to be stuffed. For a couple of seconds, freeing pepper seeds, it can overlay the filling - no messing around with removing pulp and seeds. That's probably why Housewives like to cook this dish is fast and easy, and the result is very tasty.

Stuffed peppers refers to dishes Romanian, Moldavian and Bulgarian cuisine, and the exact name of the inventor of this story, unfortunately, is not known, as the exact date. We only know that the stuffed peppers in these countries for many centuries.

Depending on the country and region for stuffing peppers use different products, for example, in Bulgaria the classic filling is egg and cheese in Romania tomatoes, and in our country - the meat and rice.

Cooking stuffed peppers - the problem is so simple, that to describe it in almost in two words: pepper cut the peduncle, he is purified from the seeds, and filled with stuffing, is placed vertically in a saucepan filled with a small amount of water, broth or sauce, and cooked until tender, cut off the stem with the tip can be used as a lid for pepper.

In view of such a simple cooking stuffed peppers, pay more attention to recipes with a variety of the most interesting and delicious filling.

Recipes for stuffed peppers

As a filling for the peppers, you can use a lot of food: cheese, meat, cereals, fruits, and other vegetables - mushrooms, cabbage, etc. can be Stuffed peppers of any size, but the best option is considered large fleshy fruits. Depending on the filling will be different cooking time: as a rule, for peppers with minced meat enough 40-60 min and peppers with vegetable, fruit and grain filling - 30-40 minutes

A classic recipe for stuffed peppers with ground meat

You will need: 600 g ground beef, 2 onions, 1 carrot, the egg, 1 Cup of rice, 3 tbsp tomato paste or ketchup, paprika, vegetable oil, parsley, Bay leaf, spices, salt.

How to cook a classic stuffed peppers. Peppers washed, in a circle, carefully cut the stem, remove the seeds. On a coarse grater grate the carrot, medium-sized chopped onion together and fry them in butter. To soft boil the rice and drain in a colander under cold water rinse, Pat dry. In the meat beat the egg, add the onion, carrot, rice, pepper and salt, stir, adding spices to taste, to stuff the peppers. Take a pan, on the bottom, pour a little vegetable oil, put the Bay leaf, peppercorn, vertically, put the peppers holes up, pour the boiling water - so much so that they almost covered the peppers, bring to a boil, put the tomato paste, season the broth with spices to taste, salt, cover and simmer 40 minutes Sprinkle with parsley before serving.

Cooked on the classic recipe stuffed peppers tried, probably all, but other variants of this dish with noodles, cheese, cheese and egg, and so on, is not familiar to everyone. And try these unusual options definitely worth it, especially to all fans of this dish.

Recipe peppers stuffed with cheese and noodles

You will need: 60 g dry noodles and cheese like mozzarella, 40 g of grated cheese, 4 sweet peppers, parsley, black pepper, salt, oil.

How to cook peppers stuffed with noodles and cheese. The noodles until tender, boil in salted water, can be slightly undercooked. Baking dish greased butter, two peppers cut off the top part in the form of a cap with the stem, the remaining two - cut barrels, salt and pepper, peeled, seeds from the peppers inside. Chop cut barrels peppers (caps with stalks not grind), mix with chopped greens, cheese, noodles, adding spices, stuffing noodles peppers, mozzarella cut into 4 seam and cover stuffed peppers and bake for 20 minutes in a preheated to 125 � oven when serving, cover with a lid.

Recipe peppers, stuffed with egg and cheese

picture - Stuffed peppers is easy and delicious

You will need: 100-150 g of cheese, 30 g butter, 4-5 sweet peppers, 1 egg, red pepper.

How to cook stuffed with cheese peppers. From stalks cut peppers, not cutting them to the end, to bend, to remove seeds, rinse the peppers inside. With a fork mash the cheese and mix with raw eggs, add red pepper, stuff the peppers, cover the lid, so the stuffing will not fall out. From all sides fry the peppers in a pan with butter, then in the oven cook until ready, serve hot.

Vegetarians and those who observe fasting will enjoy the following recipe.

The recipe for meatless stuffed peppers vegetables

You will need: 1 kg of peppers, 500 g mushrooms, 200 grams of rice, 3 onions, 3 tomatoes (2-3 tbsp tomato puree), 1-2 carrots, vegetable oil, black pepper, salt, sugar.

How to cook meatless stuffed peppers. 1 onion and carrot minced, in oil, fry the sliced tomatoes or tomato paste, sugar, salt, add a small amount of water, simmer 5 minutes, remove from the stove. Finely chop the mushrooms, the remaining carrots, peel and on a coarse grater rubbing, oil to fry the carrots until soft. With the remaining finely chopped onion fry the mushrooms. The rice needs to be soaked in water in advance, to the time of making it swelled, then put the mushrooms and onions, add 1-1 .5 cups of water, salt, covered over low heat for 10 minutes to extinguish, then when the water has almost no will, remove the pan from the heat. The peppers to prepare for stuffing, cut the stem and remove the seeds. In a mixture of rice and mushrooms separately add roasted carrots, stir and season the meat to taste, then fill them with the peppers and put them upright in a pan. Put the peppers are cooked at the beginning of the filling of onion, carrot and tomato, add water - the liquid should almost cover the peppers, bring to a boil, boil until tender, about half an hour with the lid on medium heat.

Delicious also meatless or vegetarian dish if you cook the peppers with fruit.

Recipe peppers, stuffed with fruit

picture - Stuffed peppers is easy and delicious

You will need: 500 g sweet pepper, 300 g plums, 200 g of grapes without seeds, 100 g sugar, 4 sprigs of mint 1 large Apple and pear.

How to cook stuffed bell pepper fruit. Cut into quarters pear and Apple, cut seeds, large slices cut, just cut the plums, remove they from a branch, mix all the fruits. Peppers cut in half lengthwise without removing the stem. Put them in fruit mixture, put in a baking dish. Mint finely chopped, cook sugar and mint sugar syrup, remove from heat, let cool slightly and pour over the peppers syrup and bake for 20 minutes in a preheated 200 degree oven.

Features a delicious stuffed peppers:

If the peppers in a pot filled with broth or water, also for flavor in the liquid it is recommended to add grated on a coarse grater carrot and onion rings.

It is widely believed that the most delicious stuffed peppers are obtained by boiling them in a sauce of sour cream or tomato paste.

To prepare stuffed peppers in the oven. In this case, the rice needs until ready to boil, and the minced meat and fry with carrots and onions. Peppers, who will bake in the oven, easier to cut in half lengthwise and stuffed stuffed halves.

If the peppers are brought to readiness in a saucepan or skillet, rice should be placed in the stuffing, pre-boil until soft, or he may not be ready.

If you want to prepare stuffed peppers for the winter, filling should be used only ready, not raw.

To eat stuffed peppers is not only tasty, but also useful - this dish diet, because in one pepper with meat contains only about 100 calories, and no meat - about 60 calories. Cook stuffed peppers with your favorite products and enjoy a delicious and easy dish with pleasure and without harm to the figures!

Recipe of the categories: