Cream sauce - make your favorite dishes even tastier

→ Cream sauce - make your favorite dishes even tastier

picture - Cream sauce - make your favorite dishes even tastier

Sauces like all, because they make our favorite dishes even tastier and pleasant, and sometimes without sauce and impossible to cook any dish. This time we will talk about a cream sauce, which is familiar to most of the population of our country. Remember, it ate you, and if you have not prepared yourself, then tried to guests or any institutions?

Sour cream, primarily associated with such products like mushrooms or chicken to it or in it quite often prepare these products. This sauce is cooking classics as Bechamel or cream sauce, it is famous and popular all over the world. Sour cream belongs to the base, and recipes it is based on the addition of the classical formulation, today there are many in each country to meet its own characteristics making it.

Smetenie sauces are prepared on the basis of the sour cream and mix sour cream with butter or vegetable oil, flour, milk or other additives. Often to give it some flavor, add mushrooms, tomato paste, dry white wine, roasted flour, garlic, parsley, dried Basil, barberry, black pepper is the most common additives for sour cream. What Supplement is best to use in each individual case, it is better to decide on the basis, respectively, of the main ingredients of the dishes.

Successfully picking up each other flavour notes of the sauce and dishes, you will definitely enjoy yourself and your loved ones a delicious lunch or dinner, seasoned with aromatic cream sauce, will not leave anyone indifferent.

Recipes sour cream

Cream sauce made from sour cream and mustard, tomatoes, horseradish, cauliflower, cheese, mushrooms, garlic, and many other additives. However, all these options is the complement classical version of the sauce that you want to master first. Learning to cook a classic cream sauce, you can experiment with ingredients and seasoning sauce ingredients on your own individual taste.

The recipe for a classic creamy sauce

picture - Cream sauce - make your favorite dishes even tastier

You will need: ? Cup sour cream ? tsp. salt, 1 pinch sugar, ground black pepper.

How to make a basic cream sauce. Connect sour cream (fat content should be chosen based on your preferences - you can use any), with sugar, salt and pepper, stir until smooth. If the sauce is to your taste is not sufficiently acidic, you can add a little sour fruit juice or vinegar.

Many will want to argue with the fact that the proposed option is really a classic cream sauce, and perfectly correct - after all, classic recipes, too, may differ from each other, and they may be multiple.

The recipe is traditional sour cream on flour

You will need: 500 g cream, 25 grams of flour and butter, spices to taste, salt.

How to make sour cream on flour. To light yellow tint on a dry frying pan passionate flour, let it cool down, put the butter and stir, gradually, stirring occasionally, to enter the cream, bring to boil the mixture, salt and pepper, boil for 3-5 minutes, then strain and again bring to a boil.

You can make the sauce in a different way: in a pan, pour the same amount of sour cream, bring to the boil, add the flour, whisking vigorously, then add pepper and salt, again bring to a boil, then finish the sauce drain.

In this sauce you can add black pepper, and nutmeg and many other spices, as his first option without heat treatment. Classic ways to diversify cream sauce - add:

  • The pounded yolks of hard boiled eggs;
  • 1/3 Cup vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp chopped herbs;
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste;
  • 1 tbsp grated on a fine grater onion;
  • 2 tsp. mustard.

Serve classic cream sauce to almost any vegetable, fish, hot appetizers and meat dishes. However, knowing most accurately successful variations of flavor combinations, you can get "hit the bull's-eye", as they say. So, adding in a classic sauce of mustard, you will receive a perfect sauce for any fish.

Recipe sour sauce vegetable dishes with egg yolk

You will need: 20 g sugar, 2 cups sour cream and 2 egg yolks of boiled eggs, 4 tbsp vinegar 3%, mustard (a little - to taste), pepper, salt.

How to make the cream sauce to the vegetables. Mix yolks with sour cream and mustard, pour the vinegar, add sugar, pepper and salt to taste, stir and serve the sauce to any vegetable dishes.

Recipe sauce of sour cream to the cabbage, carrot and potato cutlets, casseroles

You will need: 1 Cup of sour cream, 0.5 cups of vegetable broth, 1 tbsp. of butter and flour, salt.

How to make sour cream sauce to vegetable casseroles and cakes. Oil lightly fry the flour, pour in the hot vegetable broth, stirring vigorously to not form lumps, add sour cream, stir again until smooth and bring to a boil, 5 minutes to boil, salt to taste, strain before serving.

Recipe for creamy garlic sauce to the meat

You will need: 100 grams of fresh, cold cream, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. cold mayonnaise, 1 tsp. dried Basil (or other herbs to taste - dill/oregano, and so on), pepper, salt.

How to make the cream sauce to the meat. Sour cream pour into a gravy boat, add mayonnaise, passed through a garlic press, add salt and pepper, add parsley, stir.

To spaghetti, potatoes, pasta, buckwheat porridge and many other dishes perfect creamy mushroom sauce.

Recipe for creamy mushroom sauce

picture - Cream sauce - make your favorite dishes even tastier

You will need: 500 ml broth of beef, 200 grams of fresh mushrooms, 1 onion, 3 tablespoons thick sour cream, 2 tbsp. flour, parsley, pepper, salt.

How to make a creamy mushroom sauce. Clean the mushrooms and cut them in small slices, onion chop, put the mushrooms in a pan with oil until Browning fry, add the flour, stir, gradually pour the hot broth with vigorous stirring, over low heat put out, covered for 20 minutes - the sauce should thicken, add salt and pepper, add sour cream, 2 min stew, remove from heat and add to the sauce parsley.

Another delicious option sour sauce with cheese. He is also very suitable for meat dishes, pasta, vegetables and many other dishes.

The recipe for a creamy cheese sauce

You will need: 100 g sour cream, 80 g cream 40 g hard cheese, 20 g butter, 2 raw eggs, 2 tbsp. flour.

How to make a creamy cheese sauce. Combine the sour cream with the eggs and blender how to beat, put the cheese, worn on a fine grater, mix with a whisk. In a pan melt the butter, gradually, stirring, pour the sour cream and egg and cheese mass, add the cream, flour, for 3 min to heat on low heat, but to boil not to bring, then remove from heat and salt.

And finally here is another interesting recipe sour sauce - sweet its variation, which is perfect for fruit salads, pancakes, ice cream, cakes, etc.

Recipe sweet sour sauce for desserts

You will need: 100 g cream 50 g sugar and orange juice ? tsp. cinnamon.

How to cook sweet and sour sauce. Combine all ingredients using a blender to blend until smooth.

Using sour cream you can simply and very quickly make a wonderful addition to any dish, which will give them a new bright notes. Try it!

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