Jam gooseberry family Moldovan

→ Jam gooseberry family Moldovan

picture - Jam gooseberry family Moldovan


1 kg gooseberry

1.3-1.5 kg sugar

1.5 glass water

50-100 g walnut kernels

Select large gooseberries, go through them and remove the tail and stem, wash and dry on all sides. Make incisions on the fruit and remove the seeds from the pulp.

Walnuts wash, Pat dry and fry slightly and chop. Cavity gooseberry stuff the nuts, put them into the cooking bowl and pour the hot sugar syrup. As soon as the syrup starts to boil, it must be cool. Then the hot syrup then pour the berries and cook for 15 minutes. 2-3 minutes before end of cooking to throw in jam 10 fresh cherry leaves. Ready jam immediately arrange in jars , sterilize and lids..

Recipe of the categories: