Salads of raw beet: 5 recipes

→ Salads of raw beet: 5 recipes

picture - Salads of raw beet: 5 recipes

Vegetables are beneficial in any way, but cheese - especially! Not tired of saying the times is, well, average cooks just gladly prepare salads, snacks and other healthy and tasty dishes made with raw vegetables. In this article, recipe tasty salad of raw beets.

Beets and boiled saves a lot of vitamins and minerals, but their cheese in it still more. For everyone who wants to lose weight or maintain a beautiful figure, wants to look and also feel, this salad is what the "doctor ordered".

Beware of raw beets should only those who have serious disorders in the digestive tract because fibers can happen bowel disorder. Also be wary to eat raw beets should hypotensive, because in its raw form it slightly lowers the pressure of its constituent substances. Contraindications are kidney stones, diabetes.

The first recipe: Salad of raw beets with vegetables and Apple

You will need: 1 raw beet, black radish, carrot and Apple, vegetable oil.

How to cook salad with raw beets and apples. Peel and RUB all the ingredients on a grater, add oil, stir and serve with a salad to the table.

If you replace radish celery root, add a little lemon juice, parsley, salt and pepper - you will get a slightly different no less tasty salad.

Raw beet and Apple combination is very popular these salads invented so many not so simple: this salad is also very tasty and extremely vitamin!

The second recipe: Salad of raw beets with Apple and cheese

picture - Salads of raw beet: 5 recipes

You will need: 3 medium raw beets and Apple, 50g of cheese or cheese, garlic to taste, sour cream, mayonnaise, dill.

How to cook salad with raw beets, Apple and cheese. Peel the beets, RUB on a large grater, to do the same with apples. The garlic put through a press or finely chopped, cheese RUB on a grater or crush. Stir in sour cream and mayonnaise (you can use sour cream), add the chopped parsley, season salad, stir and serve.

Salads of raw beets can be prepared for fullness and chicken, and meat, for example.

The third recipe: Salad of raw beets with meat

You will need: raw beets, raw carrots, beef fat, cabbage, vinegar, ground red pepper, garlic.

How to prepare a salad of raw beets with meat. RUB the peeled beets and carrots on a large grater or cut into strips, chop the cabbage, mash it by hand, stir the vegetables, salt, and drizzle mixed with water in a ratio of 1:20 vinegar, cover and infuse for half an hour. Julienne slice the meat, fry it in butter for 15-20min until tender, pepper, add chopped garlic, stir, heat, put in more hot to the vegetables, allow the salad to stand, covered for several hours.

Well, the latest in our range of recipes salads from raw beets is slightly unusual: with ginger and orange sauce.

The fourth recipe: Salad of raw beets with ginger dressing

picture - Salads of raw beet: 5 recipes

You will need: 1 large beet, carrot, thick stalk of celery and bunch of parsley, fueling ? Cup olive oil, 1 tbsp. of Apple cider vinegar and lemon juice, 1 tsp. turmeric and ground ginger, black pepper, salt.

How to cook salad with raw beets and ginger dressing. Finely chop the parsley, chop celery crosswise into thin circles, RUB on a large grater peeled beets and carrots. All the ingredients for the filling mix well, pour over salad, mix and serve it to the table.

Recipe five: Salad of raw beets with orange dressing

You will need: 450g beet, 6 tbsp freshly squeezed orange juice, 2 tbsp olive oil, vinegar, sugar and lemon juice, parsley, salt.

How to cook salad with raw beets and orange dressing. Peeled beets RUB on a large grater. Combine oil, juice of lemon and orange, vinegar, chopped parsley and sugar, stir to dissolve the sugar, pour the grated beets and stir. Before serving this salad should infuse in the refrigerator for at least 4-5hours.

Salads with raw beets are cooked faster than boiled or baked (if they do not need long infuse before serving), and it is their charm. Tasty, healthy, very tasty and is the ideal vitamin food that will support your immune system in the spring!

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