Vegetable potato srry

→ Vegetable potato srry

picture - Vegetable potato srry

1 kg potatoes

150 g monkey

400 g cabbage

200 g mushrooms

150 g Luke

vegetable oil

Peeled potatoes, boil in salted water. To drain the water in which boiled potatoes in a bowl. Crush, add immediately in hot potatoes, dry semolina and a small amount of water, in which wilsa potatoes. Cool. This dough for meatless meatball.

For the filling: fry R. oil pickled or fresh cabbage. Add the mushrooms fried with onions.

However ,the filling can be separately and cabbage or mushroom, vegetable, etc.

From potato dough to form balls. Plastic bag lubricate with a drop of R. oil, knead each ball into a tortilla, put on her St.l. toppings. To form with the bag at once in the form kuleli, put on a greased R. oil sheet and bake in the oven at temperature 200 gr. within 20-25 minutes

Recipe from Olga sod

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