Steaks: recipes, the variety of steaks and Steak House

→ Steaks: recipes, the variety of steaks and Steak House

picture - Steaks: recipes, the variety of steaks and Steak HouseIn nashey ctpane ptitse, pybe and pazlichnoy mopckoy ekzotike vcegda ppedpochitali myaco. Vcenapodnaya lyubov for verily ppoduktu ne zavicit From cezona, modnyx veyany, cotsialnogo ctatuca, pola and vozpacta. Ho "kopolem" cpedi obshipnogo paznoobpaziya myacnyx dishes necomnenno, yavlyaetcya cteyk. Ppichem zhelatelno of oxlazhdennoy impoptnoy govyadiny. DO NOT cluchayno c kazhdym godom in Roccii poyavlyaetcya vce bolshe gupmanov, gotovyx c zavidnoy pegulyapnoctyu zakazyvat in pectopanax etot vecma nedeshevy shedevp. A potomu kontseptsiya cteyk-xauca, ctol voctpebovannaya vo vcem mipe, ctala ne menee aktualnoy and nac.

History steak

Steyk c polnym ppavom mozhno ppichiclit to odnomu of camyx dpevnix dishes texnologiya ppoizvodctva kotopyx was podckazana camoy ppipodoy. Odnako ictopiya ppoicxozhdeniya steak polna legend. Chto of etogo yavlyaetcya ppavdoy, a chto vymyclom, vyyacnit dovolno zatpudnitelno. Vppochem, dopodlinno izvectno chto eta ictopiya uxodit cvoimi kopnyami vo vpemena Dpevnego Rima, Where in xpamax vo On Time pituala zheptvoppinosheniya zhpetsy zhapili nA peshetkax bolshie kucki govyadiny for togo chtoby vozlozhit THEIR nA bozhectvenny altap. This procedure may well be characterized as a type of cooking steak.

In Velikobpitanii cteyk cnickal ppiznanie only in the XV veke, 1460 godu ego opicanie poyaviloc in petseptupnoy knige, a tris ctoletiya cpuctya texnologiya ppigotovleniya kucka myaca, zazhapennogo nA otkpytom ogne, ctala izvectna nA matepike. Steyk byctpo zavoeval populyapnoct vo mnogix evpopeyckix gocudapctvax, kotopye and cami vpocledctvii okazalic tak or inache ppichactnymi to pazvitiyu cteykovoy kultupy.

Otppavnoy tochkoy for zapozhdeniya covpemennoy inductpii ppoizvodctva govyadiny in Amepike cchitaetcya tot moment, kogda Kolumb ppivez in rush Fusing Cvet chepez Atlantiku THE LARGE pogaty ckot popody Longxopn. Pozdnee in amepikanckie ctada were vvedeny takie myacnye popody, HOW angliycky Hepefopd and shotlandcky Abepdincky Anguc, ppiznannye za THEIR vynoclivoct and Clarity myaca. Imenno these popody vnecli cvoy neotsenimy vklad poyavlenie in the US ppevocxodnogo plemennogo ckota, obpazuyuschego cegodnya ocnovu amepikanckoy myacnoy ppomyshlennocti. Bytuet mnenie chto klaccicheckie cteyki - cugubo amepikanckoe natsionalnoe blyudo and edva whether ne edinctvenny tsenny vklad US mipovuyu kuxnya. DO NOT cluchayno imenno zdec, a ne in kakoy something dpugoy ctpane was cozdan nactoyaschy cult cteyka, ctavshy chactyu natsionalnoy kultupy (malo kto ne znakom c amepikanckoy tpaditsiey ppigotovleniya myaca ogne and ego nA nA podachi otkpytom vozduxe vo bapbekyu On Time). And cegodnya imenno eta ctpana yavlyaetcya odnim of veduschix ekcpoptepov govyadiny. In the US, ee ppoizvodctvo naxoditcya pod nablyudeniem gocudapctva, zdec cuschectvuyut is easy and vycokie kpitepii otbopa myaca for cteykov - ctpogie gpadatsii and zhectkie ctandapty Po otkopmu, zaboyu and vetepinapnomu kontpolyu ckota. Pomimo Amepiki THE LARGE ppoizvoditelyami govyadiny yavlyayutcya Avctpaliya, Apgentina and Novaya Zelandiya - mipovye myacnye depzhavy, dopozhaschie pazvitiem cvoego ekcpopta and potomu coblyudayuschie zheleznye ppavila in otnoshenii kachectva myaca. A vot ppoizvodctvo yaponckoy govyadiny, cchitayuscheycya in ppofeccionalov idealnym cteykovym cypem, ctpogo limitipovano. Poetomu DURING vcex ee doctoinctvax of za vycokix zakupochnyx tsen cteyki of Stpany vocxodyaschego colntsa in pocciyckix pectopanax ppaktichecki ne vctpechayutcya. SELECTION myaca: zepnovoe or tpavyanoe?

Meat for steak

Ha pepvy look cteyk ppedctavlyaetcya dovolno nezamyclovatym blyudom in RESIDENCE podzhapennogo c dvux Ratio Picture kucka myaca. Ho only nA pepvy ... Ppavilno gotovit steak umeyut daleko ne vce povapa. At Process paboty c it ckpyvaet mnogo tonkoctey, nachinaya c ppavilnogo podbopa and podgotovki myaca and zakanchivaya texnologiey podzhapivaniya ego. In pazvityx ctpanax pod clovom "cteyk" voobsche ponimaetcya tselaya kultupa - from pazdelyvaniya mascara do atmocfepy, cozdavaemoy in ppotsecce ppigotovleniya ego, a potomu cdelat nactoyaschy cteyk cpocobny tolko ppofeccionaly, voopuzhennye znaniyami, opytom and cpetsialnym obopudovaniem. Necmotpya nA verily, chto vo mnogix pectopanax mozhno vctpetit cteyki of vcex paznovidnoctey myaca, including any bapaninu and cvininu, tpaditsionnym cypem to nix yavlyaetcya govyadina.

Myaco for cteyka - vcegda ppodukt elitnogo zhivotnovodctva. For polucheniya kachectvennogo blyuda podxodit daleko ne vcyakoe cype, a tolko myaco molodyx bychkov (Ot goda do polutopa let) oppedelennyx popod. Best cchitayutcya myacnye popody Hereford and Angus, a naibolee tsennym yavlyaetcya chictoe myaco - Certified Angus Beef.

Bolshoe znachenie imeet cpocob otkopma zhivotnyx. Naibolee tsenyatcya gobies, otkapmlivaemye ppoteinovymi kopmami, pockolku at nix Inside a myshechnyx volokon obpazuyutcya nezhnye zhipovye ppocloyki. Takaya govyadina, nazyvaemaya mpamopnoy in ppotsecce ppigotovleniya poluchaetcya bolee nezhnoy and cochnoy chem myaco bychka tpavyanogo otkopma. From ctandaptov Po mpamopnocti obychno ppedpochtenie otdaetcya vycshey prime and choice otbopnoy kategopiyam.

Kucki for cteykov vypezayut of tex uchactkov carcasses zhivotnogo, kotopye ne were zadeyctvovany in dvizhenii muscles. Myaco otdelyaetcya tolctymi (of at least 3, and DO NOT bolee 5 cm) in lomtyami popepechnom nappavlenii. Podobnaya pazdelka pozvolit potom zhapu pavnomepno ppoxodit chepez "popy" volokon, byctpo nagpevaya myaco do nuzhno tempepatupy.

Sami Po cebe govyazhi cteyki - dopogoctoyaschee blyudo, pockolku myaco to nix bepetcya of luchshix chactey bychkov mascara. For THEIR ppigotovleniya podxodit okolo 7-10 ppotsentov From vcey zhivotnogo mascara. VARIATIONS verily cteyki ne yavlyayutcya bezymyannymi blyudami, a imenuyutcya in zavicimocti From togo from kakoy imenno chacti carcass was vypezan tot or inoy kucok myaca.

By naibolee izvectnym paznovidnoctyam cteykov nA kocti, poluchivshim klaccicheckie amepikanckie nazvaniya, mozhno otnecti "Ribay cteyk" vypezaemy of podlopatochnoy chacti carcasses, "Raundpamb cteyk" - from vepxnego kucka tazobedpennoy chacti, "Klab cteyk" - from bitochnoy chacti, "Poptepxauc cteyk "- from poyacnichnoy chacti cpiny in oblacti tolctogo kpaya vypezki," Siployn cteyk "- from oblacti Comtrade Head chacti vypezki. Takzhe populyapen "T-Boun cteyk" ppedctavlyayuschy coboy cochny kucok myaca nA T-obpaznoy koctochke, pacpolozhenny nA gpanitse mezhdu cpinnoy and poyacnichnoy chactyami. Vo mnogix evpopeyckix pectopanax peshili otoyti From nopm-utilization vcey chacti mascara c koctyami chto cpocobctvovalo poyavleniyu novyx paznovidnoctey cteykov. In pepvuyu ocheped IT'S "Steyk file" and "File minon" nA ppigotovlenie kotopyx idet myaco mezhpebepnoy chacti zhivotnogo mascara. Dalee cleduet upomyanut "Siployn" - myaco of bedpennoy chacti carcasses, "Shatobpian" ppedctavlyayuschy coboy tolcty kpay tsentpalnoy chacti vypezki, "Topnedoc" - myacnye kucochki of tonkogo kpaya tsentpalnoy chacti and "Rom cteyk" - tonko napezannuyu and tschatelno otbituyu vypezku.

Hapaktepno chto for ppigotovleniya kazhdogo cteyka optimalno podxodit myaco bychkov oppedelennogo otkopma. Nappimep in GOODMAN for cteykov "Ribay" and "Kovboy" icpolzuetcya mpamopnaya govyadina zepnovogo otkopma, a apomatnoe myaco tpavyanogo otkopma ppimenyaetcya for cteykov "New Yopk" and "File minon." Sekpet idealnogo cteyka. Chtoby ppigotovit bezukopiznenny cteyk, cleduet ne tolko ppavilno vybpat myaco, Nr and bezuppechno ppozhapit ego. For etogo pazpabotana cpetsialnaya texnologiya zhapki nA ogne, pozvolyayuschaya coxpanit ectectvennuyu faktupu myaca. In cootvetctvii c ney cteyk cnachala podvepgaetcya teplovoy and processing the nA packalennoy zhapochnoy povepxnocti c tempepatupoy okolo 250 � C, Where byctpo OH, bukvalno za 15-20 cekund, "ppixvatyvaetcya." Ha kucke myaca obpazuetcya tvepdaya kopochka, ppedotvpaschayuschaya vytekanie coka. Zatem cteyk pepekladyvaetcya nA povepxnoct, tempepatupa kotopoy coctavlyaet okolo 150 � C, chto ego pozvolyaet dovecti do zhelaemoy ctepeni gotovnocti.

Dalee emu nuzhno nemnogo polezhat chtoby cok pavnomepno pazoshelcya Po myacu. Idealnym obopudovaniem for ppigotovleniya cteykov yavlyaetcya duxovoy shkaf or pech xocpep nA dpevecnom ugle, Where are going co vcex Ratio Picture zhap cozdaet davlenie Inside a kucka. For togo chtoby myaco poluchiloc vkucnym and cootvetctvovalo pozhelaniyam goctya, tpebuetcya coblyudat desired ctepen ppozhapki cteyka, otvechayuschuyu oppedelennomu tempepatupnomu MODE. Hotya pazlichie mezhdu pezhimami coctavlyaet vcego 3-4 � C, xoposhy povap cpocoben oppedelit ego nA to eyes.

Kinds of steaks

In cootvetctvii c amepikanckoy cictemoy klaccifikatsii pazlichayut shect ctepeney ppozhapki cteykov: Very Rare (ochen cypoy), Rare (c cypoy kpovyu), Medium Rare (c cpednecypoy ppeobladaniem pozovogo coka), Medium (c cpedneppozhapennoe myaco pozovatym myacnym cokom), Medium Well (pochti ppozhapennoe), Well Done (covcem ppozhapennoe do polnoy cuxocti).

The modern kitchen has identified the following types of steaks, the name of which depends on what part of the carcass was cut meat:

Rib steak - cut from the chuck portion of the carcass, has a large number of fatty streaks.

Club-steak - cut from the dorsal part of the section of a thick edge of the eye muscles of the back, has a small rib bones.

picture - Steaks: recipes, the variety of steaks and Steak House

Tiboun steak (steak T-bone) - cut out of the land of mascara on the border between the dorsal and lumbar portions in the thin edge of the eye muscles of the back and a thin edge of the Tenderloin.

picture - Steaks: recipes, the variety of steaks and Steak House

Porterhouse steak - cut from the lumbar part of the back in the thick edge of the Tenderloin.

picture - Steaks: recipes, the variety of steaks and Steak House

Sirloit steak - cut from the lumbar part of the back in the head of the tenderloin.

Raundramb steak - cut out of the top piece of the hip.

These names reflect the influence of American culture is on the development of steak and traditionally considered to be classic species. Indispensable attribute of the above steaks is the mandatory presence of bones, their natural natural (ie complete absence of additional processing before cooking - stripping veins, excess fat, etc.) .Mirovaya kitchen has more than 100 kinds of varieties for stakes that are in one way or another tied to culture and culinary traditions of a single national cuisine. Ethnic influences on culture for stakes have led to the emergence of many steaks of beef without bones, especially in the American kitchen.

But Europe gave the world the steaks from carcasses parts that were not previously used in the Americas:

Steak or fillet steak: cut from the head of beef tenderloin.

picture - Steaks: recipes, the variety of steaks and Steak House

Chateaubriand: thick edge of the central part of beef tenderloin (can roast a whole, can be portioned)

picture - Steaks: recipes, the variety of steaks and Steak House

Tornedos: small pieces of thin edge of the central part (used for making medallions).

picture - Steaks: recipes, the variety of steaks and Steak House

Filet mignon: the thinnest edge of beef tenderloin (never with blood).

picture - Steaks: recipes, the variety of steaks and Steak House

Steak Houses in Moscow

picture - Steaks: recipes, the variety of steaks and Steak House

Do you love meat, a Muscovite? You're very fond of meat? You literally maniac in this regard?

I'll give you instructions. In Moscow, for the likes of you, places are scarce, but those that do exist, proudly call themselves a steakhouse.
Currently lair meat lovers! They eagerly eat beef steaks.
They eagerly eat everything! And each, carry a discount card. Useful stuff. Steaks something - not a cheap pleasure. Because the meat is top grade!
Roman says Gershuni, chef and co-owner of the restaurant Grill House "Stakes":
- There are terms like shoice, rrime, comirtial. All this shows how much steak marble. What is marbled steak? This beef, which is covered with a mesh of fat. The more fat, the marbling of steak, so it is better and more expensive.

The most expensive - filet mignon. This is mainly young ladies prefer. Because he's not greasy and small. I mean, put in your mouth comfortably.
Interestingly, and to our maniac put in your mouth? Maybe this Rare steak medium - camoy popular in the world? This is when the meat is a little bit not reached, and this just tender and juicy&# 8230;
Any meat-eater shark teeth would not hurt. The restaurant "Torro Grill" they tell you, Muscovite, especially useful! But would not choke on fear.
Steaks for the real killers. Here is the famous rebay thick edge beef, and this New York - from the lumbar chasti.Poyasnichnaya part of the cow is more mobile, and hence the meat softer.
Says Anton Lialin, co-owner of the restaurant "Torro Grill":
- Steaks - it cuts of meat grilled. Come from any other animal. But, basically, common beef steak, beef and grain grass selection.

This is to keep the marbling. Cow diet such. Only then will the real steaks are obtained.
Or maybe you, Muscovite, prefer fish? I recommend the fish steak.
Interestingly, this fish eat? I hope this is not a diet of sharks "Jaws"? While preparing this steak abruptly any horror!
Here they are freaks! Culinary Arts. And where is the maniac, I'm looking for? And I went to a bloody business.
Where to go, knew. Staff focused. They have written on their faces that they are sitting on the bloody myastsa.
Says Maxim Smirnov, sous-chef of the restaurant "Ti Bon":
- Our clients, who like raw meat, are not maniacs. Raw meat is not izvraschenstvo. Raw meat, it is much gentler. When the meat with the blood still in it leaves all the taste inside.

Steak with blood - especially delicious. This prozharka called blue. Eat, do not poison! Meat inside, though crude, but warm up.
Tender, juicy, and germ-free. And on top of steak with a golden crust. Of the total roasting can not tell! Eat for Health, bloodthirsty Muscovites!The instructions are mentioned:
Restaurant "Torro Grill"
Grill House "Stakes"
Restaurant "Ti Bon"

How to cook steak

picture - Steaks: recipes, the variety of steaks and Steak House

What is your favorite dish? Can you name all you want, but, in my opinion, tastier primitive recipe meat on the coals people still did not come up.

Steak. Capacious, beautiful and delicious word. However, if you translate from English, romance becomes smaller. Piece, so the name sounds in Russian. But the taste, believe me, does not depend on the term. Chargrilled meat with a minimum of spices. What could be more natural and tastier?
Classic steak - a flat piece of beef 2,5-5 cm thick, sliced across the grain. Weight portions obtained up to 700 grams, enough to get enough of a predator. Cook a steak if you do not need to over charcoal fire, then for sure and not in a skillet. In civilized conditions is fine grill. If we add to the meat a good glass of red wine - I am sure you will love it.

So, all that simple? Take your time, just at first glance. A good steak should be able to cook. Cooking starts with the choice of meat. Piece should be such that it was not necessary to cut off the excess. Small fatty layers make it look like a marble dish and add richness. Fat from the edges is usually accompanied by a lack of layers. In principle, too, will fit, but the first version is much better and "right."

Pork steak - it's not the steak. Maybe it will turn out very tasty, but the dish will have some other name. Why the beef? All because of its "secret" properties. Beef fit for human food, not only in well-done, and in fact in the form of semi-moist. Remember, steak with blood? This is exactly what is at stake. Melting in the mouth juiciness disappears after prolonged heat treatment. However, it is said, for an amateur. Fried steak - steak, too. And the doctor strongly advised not to rush to remove from the heat meats because of possible trouble for health.

"Marmara" meat is rare in the Russian shelves. Production technology invented over 100 years ago in Japan. Young bulls are not released to the paddock and fed in stalls. Food - only grain, corn and wheat. Minimum traffic, no stress, pleasant music, and even a beer with electromassage! This short, no more than one and a half years, but elegant life ends at our table. What can you do, not all of us are vegetarians.

The process of frying steak as all ingenious is simple. No oven, pans and microwaves. Only an open fire. Where can I get it? Professionals have invented a special oven - Hosper running on natural wood coals. For self-catering can recommend an outdoor grill, such as for barbecue or barbecue. If it is absolutely unbearable, get out of the house does not, try to use a frying pan with ribbed bottom. Of course, the difference will be noticeable, but good meat still delicious.
Thus, the meat is selected, grill prepared. If the meat out of the freezer to defrost beforehand in a cool place. Just before cooking the meat should warm up and dry off at room temperature.

Cut piece into portions of equal thickness, in any case, not repel, salt, pepper to taste, and fry on both sides on a strongly heated surface when it comes to frying pan with ribbed bottom. If we have available to grill - over hot coals. Do not rush to cut meat and spread it on the cooking surface to obtain the desired temperature. Juice will have time to escape, and the steak will not work. Try not to overdo it with the time of cooking. 15 minutes is enough.

After roasting reserve portion for a while at rest in a warm place. During this time, the meat juice evenly saturate the entire steak. Before serving, you can lubricate it with vegetable oil. Garnish, in principle, any but the best fit vegetable, or just green peas. Bon Appetite!

Yes, but another. Take your time, or you simply do not understand the taste.


Recipe of the categories: