Than to support the body when working at the computer?

→ Than to support the body when working at the computer?

picture - Than to support the body when working at the computer?You are one of those who dines, without leaving the office? You probably already tired of these instant noodles to eat, regular sandwiches and meals only one oxygen… Hard work at the computer often confuses us with the original plan called "eating right", and this adversely affects our health.

But, fortunately, we know 10 great products that will support you in good condition throughout the day.

  1. 1. Nuts

Instead be two cheeks, seemingly, very tasty crackers, you can eat the nuts. You can eat them even without being distracted from the main workflow. Walnuts will support the immune system, and hazelnut will not allow you to nod off in the middle of the day.

  1. 2. Dried fruits

These shrunken "prufrock" sometimes appear to be many times more useful than their fresh counterparts. Dry dates, for example, ten times better just collected. And, in addition, they provide excellent flow of energy.

  1. 3. Dairy products

Kefir and yogurt are doing to our bodies is the true magic, thanks to what are called generation drug. They can relieve stress and eliminate the feeling of sleepiness, when it seems that will only sharp guillotine or downy pillow and warm blanket.

  1. 4. Muesli

picture - Than to support the body when working at the computer?Scientists have proven that this many favorite Breakfast is not only quenches the hunger, but also increases mental performance. Probably time to take it dainty and at lunchtime?

  1. 5. Bread and bread with whole grains

Leaf green, summery salad, a small but fragrant slice of cheese and crisp bread - here it is, a useful and quick Breakfast, which will benefit not only the body but also the shape. By the way, these and many other sandwiches are prepared daily by thousands of men and all because their women don't know how to teach a man to cook.

  1. 6. Honey

A delightful alternative to harmful chocolate bars. Trying to reinforce the body's chocolate happiness, you can only damage him. Try to take a little fragrant liquid honey, add a handful of raisins and wrapped sweet mixture into a green leaf salad. You will find unusual taste, increase immunity and improve the performance of brain cells.

  1. 7. Dark chocolate

picture - Than to support the body when working at the computer?If your body vigorously protests against dates, sickly-sweet honey and muesli, persistently demanding a portion of chocolate - do not worry. Some types of chocolate are not less useful than muesli and honey. The organism can be calm natural bitter chocolate without any impurities in the form of nuts or raisins.

  1. 8. Hard cheeses

Parmesan cheese is not only pleasant to the taste, but more useful than the others. Its nutritive value, 100g of the cheese is equal to 200g pork. In addition, it contains significant amounts of calcium, participating in important vital processes. When the relics of Parmesan you can improve your memory and satisfying to eat in the workplace.

  1. 9. Oatmeal quick cooking

picture - Than to support the body when working at the computer?If to choose from noodles and instant porridge, the second highly preferred. As Kashi, by themselves, improve the digestive system, they will be much healthier Lunches in boxes from Rolton". You should choose cereals with minimal extraneous additives, so you protect the body from the harmful effects of ready mixes.

10. Fresh vegetables and fruits

Where do without fresh vegetables, fruits and berries? And juices that you get from them? Perhaps, to convince you that bought on the way to the office blueberries, cucumber or tomato is extremely useful - it will be very strange and useless. In fact this even children know. But, if someone else not in the know, know that blueberries improves vision (what else do you need computer slaves?). The rest of the greens, too, never hurts.

Author: Irina (gvineira) specifically for

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